Caribbean Basins, Tectonics, and Hydrocarbons Project
University of Houston

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Theses, dissertations, presentations, and publications by researchers and students of the Conjugate Basins, Tectonics and Hydrocarbons Project (2005-2024)

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GRAND TOTALS: 77 PhD, MSc, and BSc theses, 844 presentations, & 148 publications

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2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

2024 student thesis studies (2)

  • Abdelfatah, M., 2024, Tectonics, crustal types, structural style, and hydrocarbon potential of the northern Red Sea rift, MS thesis, University of Houston, 107 p.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2024, Tectonostratigraphic Studies of the Paleogene Yucatan Back-Arc Basin, the Miocene-Recent Collisional Zone Between the Panama Arc and South America, and the Late Cretaceous Caribbean Large Igneous Province and its Adjacent Oceanic Crust, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 254 p.

2024 presentations (70)

  • Akinpelu, J., 2024, Crustal structure characterization offshore Niger delta, Nigeria and implications for ultra-deepwater hydrocarbon exploration, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Akinpelu, J., 2024, Crustal structure characterization offshore Niger delta, Nigeria and implications for ultra-deepwater hydrocarbon exploration, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2024.
  • Akinpelu, J., 2024, Expanding the play fairway of hydrocarbon systems based on syn-rift Cretaceous source rocks, western Niger Delta, offshore Nigeria, HGS-GESGB Africa Conference, HGS-GESGB Africa Conference, Houston, Texas, Sept. 24-25, 2024.
  • Akinpelu, J., 2024, Re-defining the continent-ocean boundary beneath the distal Niger delta and expanding its deepwater hydrocarbon play fairway based on the wider zone of continental rifts and syn-rift source rocks, UH EAS 37th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2024.
  • Akinpelu, J., and Paul Mann, P., 2024, Re-defining the continent-ocean boundary beneath the distal Niger delta and expanding its deepwater, hydrocarbon play fairway based on the wider zone of continental rifts and syn-rift source rocks, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Beltran, R., 2024, Aptian-Albian tectonic evolution of a hyperextended, continental rift system and its transition into oceanic crust in the ultra-deepwater Campos basin, Brazil, UH EAS 37th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2024.
  • Beltran, R., 2024, Gravity and seismic characterization of the hyperextended crust and its transition into oceanic crust in the External rift, Campos Basin, Brazil, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2024.
  • Beltran, R., 2024, HC potential of the Campos ultra-deepwater using multiple data types, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Beltran, R., 2024, Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the deepwater External rift, Campos basin, Brazil, based on potential fields and seismic characterization, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Beltran, R., and Mann, P., 2024, Crustal structure and hydrocarbon potential of the ultra-deepwater, External rift zone, Campos basin, Brazil, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Bryant, K. 2024, Using a compilation of vintage seismic reflection data and earthquake data to understand the tectonic origin of the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands Arch, UH EAS 37th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2024.
  • Cornelius, S., 2024, A new deepwater HC play in the deepwater Santos basin predicted from basin modeling, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Cornelius, S., 2024, Regional 3D basin modeling of the Santos-Campos-Espirito Santo salt basin for predictive prospectivity, Brazilian Petroleum Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 29-31, 2024.
  • Cornelius, S., 2024, Regional 3D basin modeling of the Santos-Campos-Espirito Santo basins, offshore Brazil, for predictive prospectivity of the external rift zone presalt source rock, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Cornelius, S., 2024, Updated regional 3D modeling of the Santos-Campos-Espirito Santo salt basin for predictive prospectivity, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., 2024, 3D Basin modeling of the Douala-Rio Muni Basins, offshore Equatorial Guinea, West Africa, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., 2024, CBTH database and Geopost online portal, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., 2024, Geochemical characterization of the Brazilian Equatorial Margin and its implications for basin modeling and hydrocarbon prospectivity, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Gorosabel-Araus, J.M., 2024, Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the deepwater Rio Muni Basin, offshore Equatorial Guinea, based on the 3D seismic characterization of hydrocarbon play, HGS-GESGB Africa Conference, Houston, Texas, Sept. 24-25, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., 2024, Structure, traps, and potential hydrocarbon plays along the Moroccan Atlantic Margin, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., and Mann, P., 2024, 3D seismic characterization of hydrocarbon plays in the deepwater zone of the Rio Muni Basin, deepwater margin of Equatorial Guinea, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., and Mann, P., 2024, Comparison of deepwater, marginal rifts and their hydrocarbon potential: Examples from the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic margin of Morocco, 8th Conjugate Margins Conference 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, May 27-29, 2024.
  • Gorosabal Araus, J.M., and Mann, P., 2024, Evaluating the deepwater hydrocarbon potential of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil from regional-scale characterization of Early and Late Cretaceous source rocks and basin modeling, II Workshop SBGf: South America Equatorial Margin, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, July 2-3, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., Mann, P., Melo, A., Castro, D., and Oliveira, D., 2024, The deepwater Barreirinhas Basin of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil: Refined basin modeling reveals upside hydrocarbon potential, 8th Conjugate Margins Conference 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, May 27-29, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., Mann, P., Melo, A., de Castro, D., and Oliveira, D., 2024, Hydrocarbon potential of the deepwater Barreirinhas Basin and the Equatorial Margin of Brazil based on refined source rock characterization and basin modeling, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., Shipper, K., Mann, P., Pepper, A., Hasan, N., and Laigle, J.M., 2024, Predicted deepwater and sub-salt HC trends in Morocco from basin modeling, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Mann, P., 2024, Advances in basin modeling and analytics for new insights for deepwater reservoirs, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Mann, P., 2024, Building a regional database for the rifted-passive margin of northwest Africa from Gibraltar to the Guinea Plateau, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Mann, P., 2024, Clues in Guyana to the geology and hydrocarbon potential of Trinidad – and vice versa, First EAGE Conference on Energy Opportunities in the Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Nov. 6-8, 2024.
  • Mann, P., 2024, Major themes of CBTH Phase VII in North America and the Caribbean, and the Atlantic margins, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Mann, P., 2024, Meeting summary and discussion with sponsors with future directions of the project in Phase VII, Year 2, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Mann, P., 2024, Summary of key results in papers from G3 special issue on the Caribbean plate in 2024, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Mann, P., 2024, The Final Frontier of Deepwater Exploration: The continent-ocean transition zone of rifted-passive margins, AAPG Academy Webinar, Virtual, April 1, 2024.
  • Mann, P., 2024, Welcome and overview of the CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting (Phase VII, Year 1), CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Mann, P., Gorosabel Araus, J.M., and Shipper, K., 2024, Pliocene to Recent collision of the Ontong Java Plateau with the Solomon island arc: Evidence from plate reconstructions, potential fields and marine geophysical data, AGU Annual Meeting 2024, San Francisco, California, Dec. 9-13, 2024.
  • Maya, D., 2024, Aptian oblique rifting of the Uruguay margin and its effects on deep-water, hydrocarbon maturation, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Maya, D., 2024, Late-stage, oblique rifting of the Uruguayan volcanic rifted margin and its effects on deepwater hydrocarbon maturation, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2024.
  • Maya, D., 2024, Using gravity modeling to constrain the crustal structure of the Early Cretaceous volcanic-rifted margin of Uruguay, UH EAS 37th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2024.
  • Maya, D., and Mann, P., 2024, Crustal structure of the volcanic-rifted margin of offshore Uruguay based on gravity modeling and application to hydrocarbon basin modeling, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Miller, J., 2024, Comparison of potential fields and seismic reflection data from known and proposed areas of exhumed mantle on non-volcanic rifted margins, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Miller, J., 2024, Evolution and tectonic controls of 50 million years of contourite and turbidite sedimentation along the deepwater margin of Uruguay, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2024.
  • Miller, J., 2024, Paleogene arc collision and migration in the Bering Sea interpreted from regional magnetic and gravity data, UH EAS 37th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2024.
  • Miller, J., and Mann, P., 2024, Comparison of potential fields and seismic reflection data from known and proposed areas of exhumed mantle on non-volcanic, rifted-passive margins: Implications for frontier hydrocarbon exploration of the ultra-deepwater realm, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Pepper, A., 2024, Basin modeling of Equatorial Africa, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Pepper, A., 2024, Petroleum Systems, AAPG Academy Webinar, Virtual, May 14, 2024.
  • Petkovsek, C., 2024, Gravity and magnetic modeling of basement features beneath the Delaware Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2024, Crustal architecture of the Colombian Basin and its implications for the early evolution and hydrocarbon potential of the Caribbean Sea, HGS International Group Virtual Zoom Dinner: Research on Suriname and Colombia from the CBTH Project at the University of Houston, Virtual, Jan. 17, 2024.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2024, Crustal structure in the Colombian Basin interpreted from 3D seismic data: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Caribbean Plate and its petroleum systems, Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago Virtual Technical Talk, July 23, 2024.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2024, The world’s deepest offshore oil well will be drilled in the Caribbean: What is the potential petroleum system of the ultra-deepwater Colombian Basin?, Colombian Geoscientists Network (CGN) Talk, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2024.
  • Ramos, J.P., and Mann, P., 2024, How oceanic and oceanic plateau crustal architecture controls potential deepwater hydrocarbon plays in the Colombian Basin, Caribbean Sea, GeoGulf 2024, San Antonio, Texas, April 10-12, 2024.
  • Ramos, J.P., Mann, P., and Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2024, Reassessing the Late Cretaceous basement crustal structure of the Colombian Basin and its implications for ultra-deepwater petroleum systems in the Caribbean Sea, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Ruiz Toro, E., 2024, Crustal and basinal framework of the Bering Sea and Aleutian arc, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Ruiz Toro, E., 2024, Tectonic origin of the Bering Sea constrained by regional integration of geologic and geophysical data, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2024.
  • Savrides, P., 2024, Regional overview of the rifted-passive margin of eastern offshore Canada to identify deepwater, hydrocarbon prospects, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Shahriar, U., 2024, Crustal structure and tectonostratigraphy of the Andaman oblique-subduction margin and its control on hydrocarbon potential, UH EAS 37th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2024.
  • Shahriar, U., 2024, Impact of the transition from a Jurassic volcanic to non-volcanic rifted margin on hydrocarbon prospectivity in northwest Africa, HGS-GESGB Africa Conference, Houston, Texas, Sept. 24-25, 2024.
  • Shahriar, U., Stewart, R., and Mann, P., 2024, Structural and stratigraphic style of the Andaman back-arc basin and its HC prospectivity, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., 2024, A new basin model for the Guyana-Suriname margin and its predicted HC trends, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., 2024, Crustal structure, deformational history, and tectonic origin of the Bahamas Carbonate Platform, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., 2024, Flexural and basin modeling of the transition between the non-volcanic and volcanic rifted margins of Guyana and Suriname, UH EAS 37th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., 2024, Implications of lithospheric and thermal modeling of the Moroccan margin on petroleum exploration, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., 2024, Predicted hydrocarbon trends of the Guyana-Suriname margin based on a 3D full-thickness lithospheric and basin model, HGS International Group Virtual Zoom Dinner: Research on Suriname and Colombia from the CBTH Project at the University of Houston, Virtual, Jan. 17, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., 2024, Regional basin model for the Guyana-Suriname margin and its predicted hydrocarbon trends, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., 2024, Source rock maturity modeling using ML-based ExCaliber software offshore Guyana-Suriname and Morocco, AAPG's Generative AI, Machine Learning and Analytics in Subsurface Energy, Houston, Texas, Dec. 10-11, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., 2024, Tectonic history and transient full-lithosphere thermal modeling to predict thermal stress of source rocks within the Moroccan basin, HGS-GESGB Africa Conference, Houston, Texas, Sept. 24-25, 2024.
  • Shipper, K. and Mann, P., 2024, Controls on the tectonic evolution of source rock thermal stress patterns in the Moroccan salt basin, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Shipper, K. and Mann, P., 2024, 3D crustal model for the volcanic-rifted margin of Suriname and the non-volcanic margin of Guyana with implications for Jurassic-Cretaceous source rock maturity, IMAGE 2024, Houston, Texas, Aug. 26-29, 2024.
  • Shipper, K., Mann, P., Pepper, A., and Laigle, J.M, 2024, Lithospheric and thermal modeling of the Moroccan Atlantic margin and its implications for hydrocarbon exploration, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Storms, J., 2024, CBTH website, deliverables to sponsors, and Geopost demo, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 11, 2024.
  • Sun, L., 2024, Tectonic settings and fault kinematics of the 2021 Haiti earthquake and the 2020 Puerto Rico earthquake based on satellite Geodesy, AGU Annual Meeting 2024, San Francisco, California, Dec. 9-13, 2024.

2024 publications (3)

  • Hippolyte, J.C., Mann, P., Henry, P., Guihou, A., Deschamps, P., Ourliac, C., Godeau, N., Marié, L., and Gordon, M.B., 2024, U–Pb calcite dating reveals the origin of a 600-km-long intraplate fault: The Balcones Fault System of Texas, Terra Nova, 00, p. 1-10.
  • Petkovsek, C., 2024, Multilayer 3D seismic attribute analysis and fault framework modeling of shallow extensional fault systems in the Delaware Basin, Interpretation, v. 12, no. 4, T399–T412.
  • Shipper, K. and Mann, P., 2024, Crustal structure, deformational history, and tectonic origin of the Bahamas carbonate platform, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 25, e2023GC011300.

2023 presentations (54)

  • Abdelfatah, M., 2023, Relationships between Red Sea opening directions, crustal types and thicknesses, evaporite distribution, and hydrocarbon potential, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Abdelfatah, M., and Mann, P., 2023, Relationships between Red Sea opening directions, crustal types and thicknesses, evaporite distribution, and hydrocarbon potential, IMAGE 2023, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2023.
  • Akinpelu, J., 2023, Hydrocarbon prospectivity of deeply-buried Cretaceous rifts of the western deepwater area of the Niger delta, Nigeria, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Akinpelu, J., 2023, Proposed Cretaceous hydrocarbon play based on syn-rift Cretaceous source rocks, deepwater area of the western Niger Delta, Nigeria, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 13, 2023.
  • Akka, H., Mann, P., Hippolyte, J.C., and Tahayt, A., 2023, Integration of Marine Geology of the Strait of Gibraltar with Paleostress History of the Tangier Peninsula, Morocco: Implications for the Messinian Gibraltar Corridor, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Dec. 11-15, 2023.
  • Beltran, R., 2023, Exploring the external kitchen of the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil using cutting-edge 3D seismic data, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Beltran, R., 2023, Understanding pre-salt, rift and sag hydrocarbon plays of the deepwater Campos Basin, Brazil, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 13, 2023.
  • Beltran, R., and Mann, P., 2023, Comparing Early Cretaceous, syn-rift reservoir rocks underlying the slope and ultradeepwater areas of the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, GeoGulf 2023, Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023.
  • Beltran, R., and Mann, P., 2023, Rift and thermal sagging controls on the distribution and thickness of the Barremian-Aptian Lagoa Feia formation which hosts a source-reservoir unit, deepwater Campos basin, Brazil, IMAGE 2023, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2023.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2023, Constraints on Gulf of Mexico Oxfordian Acme 161 to Valanginian Acme 138 source rock UEP imposed by basin margin onlap/erosion and basin center oceanic crust age, GeoGulf 2023, Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2023, Triassic-Jurassic opening history of the Gulf of Mexico basin based on improved mapping of the continent-ocean transition, AAPG Salt Basins Technical Group Meeting, Virtual, Jan. 31, 2023.
  • Cedeño, A., 2023, Petroleum systems Of The carbonate platform areas of the southern GoM: South Florida, the Greater Peten Basin of Guatemala-Belize, and the Yucatán and Chiapas areas of Mexico, GeoGulf 2023, Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023.
  • Cornelius, S., 2023, Comparison of the characteristics of Cretaceous salt deposition in Brazil with the Jurassic salt deposition in the Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf 2023, Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023.
  • Cornelius, S., 2023, Southwestward tilting of the Espirito Santo-Campos-Santos salt basin, Brazil, and its implications for source rock potential in the external rift zone, IMAGE 2023, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2023.
  • Cornelius, S., 2023, Syn-rift and salt depositional thicknesses in the rift zones of the Santos-Campos-Espirito Santo salt basin, Brazil, resulting from the southwestward tilting of the basement, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., 2023, New developments with the CBTH database, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M. and Mann, P., 2023, 3D and 2D mapping and basin modeling of the Rio Muni Basin, offshore Equatorial Guinea, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., Granja Bruña, J.L., Mann, P., Gallego-Mingo, A., Mas Mayoral, J.R., Lopez-Andres, S., Canales, M.L., Arribas, M.E., Adatte, T., Rosario, G., Villafaña, R., and Carbo, A., 2023, Hydrocarbon prospectivity in the San Pedro offshore basin of the Dominican Republic based on identification of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Cenozoic source rock intervals, IMAGE 2023, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2023.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., Mann, P., and Granja-Bruna, J.L., 2023, Basin modeling of the Eocene to Present forearc San Pedro Basin (Dominican Republic offshore), CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Gorosabal Araus, J.M., Mann, P., and Granja-Bruna, J.L., 2023, Structural and stratigraphic response of southern Hispaniola to the northeastward tectonic indentation by the Beata ridge, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Dec. 11-15, 2023.
  • Gorosabel Araus, J.M., Mann, P., Melo, A., Castro, D., and Oliveira, D., 2023, The Barreirinhas Basin: An unexplored frontier with significant potential in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Hasan, M.N., Pepper, A., and Mann, P., 2023, Estimates of thermal stress and expelled petroleum from Mesozoic-Cenozoic potential source rocks, southern Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf 2023, Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023.
  • Mann, P., 2023, CBTH advances in understanding major hydrocarbon basins from West Texas to Guyana, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Mann, P., 2023, Meeting summary and discussion with sponsors on future directions of the project, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Mann, P., 2023, Tectonic controls on Mesozoic source rock thermal maturity of the 3500-km-long, rifted-passive margin of Morocco, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Mann, P., 2023, The final frontier of deepwater exploration: the continent–ocean transition zone, GCSSEPM 39th Annual Perkins-Rosen Research Conference, Dec. 4-6, 2023.
  • Mann, P., 2023, Welcome and overview of the CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting (Phase VI, Year 3), CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Maya, D., 2023, Could the deepwater, rifted-passive margin of Argentina be as prolific in hydrocarbons as its Namibian conjugate margin? - Results from 1-D basin modeling, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 13, 2023.
  • Maya, D., 2023, Transferring effective play concepts from hydrocarbon discoveries in Namibia’s deep-water to its conjugate margin in Argentina, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Petkovsek, C., 2023, Integration of refined geothermal gradients of the Delaware basin, west Texas, with observations from gravity and 2D and 3D seismic reflection data, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2023, Crustal structure in the Colombian Basin and its control on the distribution of potential source rock and play fairways in deep and ultra-deep waters of the Caribbean, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2023, Crustal structure of the Colombian basin and significance for Caribbean tectonic history and its hydrocarbon potential, UH EAS 36th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2023.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2023, How oceanic and oceanic plateau crustal structure controls deepwater, hydrocarbon plays in the Colombian Basin, Caribbean Sea, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 13, 2023.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2023, Late Cretaceous-Recent tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Yucatan back-Arc basin, northern Caribbean Sea, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Ramos, J.P., and Mann, P., 2023, Basement architecture and deep-water stratigraphy of the SW Caribbean and its implications for untapped petroleum systems in the Colombian Basin, IMAGE 2023, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2023.
  • Ramos, J.P., and Mann, P., 2023, Direct hydrocarbon indicators and basin modeling of late Cretaceous source rocks in the deepwater area of Panama and Colombia, Caribbean Sea, GeoGulf 2023, Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023.
  • Ramos, J.P., and Mann, P., 2023, Shallow to ultra-deepwater hydrocarbon provinces and key exploration plays of the southwestern Caribbean Sea, Houston Geological Society Tech Breakfast, Virtual, May 3, 2023.
  • Ramos, J.P. and Mann, P., 2023, Spreading ridges and fracture zones of the Cretaceous, pre-CLIP, proto-Caribbean oceanic crust mapped using integrated geophysical datasets from the Colombian Basin, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Dec. 11-15, 2023.
  • Shahriar, U., 2023, Crustal structure and hydrocarbon potential of the non-volcanic and volcanic, rifted-passive margins of Mauritania, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Shahriar, U., 2023, Defining the crustal structure of the rifted-passive margin of Mauritania and implications for its hydrocarbon potential, UH EAS 36th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2023.
  • Shahriar, U., 2023, The crustal transition between the volcanic vs. non-volcanic rifted passive margin of Mauritania, Senegal, and Guinea Plateau, NW Africa, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 13, 2023.
  • Shahriar, U., and Mann, P., 2023, Impact of Jurassic volcanic/non-volcanic margin boundary on HC prospectivity, Northwestern Africa, IMAGE 2023, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2023.
  • Shahriar, U., and Mann, P., 2023, Using gravity filters to reveal the non-volcanic and recessed rifted margin of Mauritania and its along-strike transition with the protruding volcanic margin of the Guinea Plateau, GeoGulf 2023, Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023.
  • Shipper, K., 2023, Basin modeling based on crustal structure reveals productive hydrocarbon trends along the Guyana-Suriname rifted-passive margin, UH EAS 36th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2023.
  • Shipper, K., 2023, Control of crustal thickness, type, and burial history on heat flow and petroleum basin modeling of the Guyana-Suriname rifted-passive margin, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Shipper, K., 2023, Crustal structure, deformational history, and tectonic origin of the Bahamas platform, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Shipper, K., 2023, Predicted hydrocarbon trends of the Guyana-Suriname margin based on a 3D full-thickness lithospheric and basin model, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 13, 2023.
  • Shipper, K., and Mann, P., 2023, Basin modeling of the Guyana margin: Does the continent-ocean boundary mark an outer limit for deepwater exploration?, GeoGulf 2023, Houston, Texas, April 23-25, 2023.
  • Shipper, K., and Mann, P., 2023, Control of crustal thickness, type, and burial history on heat flow and petroleum basin modeling of the Guyana-Suriname rifted-passive margin, IMAGE 2023, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2023.
  • Shipper, K. and Mann, P., 2023, Defining the continent-ocean boundary underlying the Bahamas carbonate platform using multiple geophysical and geological constraints, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Dec. 11-15, 2023.
  • Storms, J., 2023, CBTH website, integration with Geopost, and deliverables to sponsors, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Houston, Texas, Oct. 6, 2023.
  • Storms, J., Gorosabel Araus, J.M., Sun, L., and Mann, P., 2023, Geopost integration with the CBTH Project, Geoscience Online Webinar, hosted by Katalyst Data Management, Virtual, April 26, 2023.
  • Storms, J., Gorosabel Araus, J.M., Sun, L., and Mann, P., 2023, Geopost integration with the CBTH Project, Geoscience Online Webinar ASIAPAC, hosted by Katalyst Data Management, Virtual, May 31, 2023.
  • Walton, F., 2023, Structural restoration and driving forces for the Oligocene-Recent opening of the Gulf of California, UH EAS 36th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2023.

2023 publications (4)

  • Bugti, M.N., and Mann, P., 2023, Regional source rock thermal stress modeling and map-based charge access modeling of the Port Isabel passive margin foldbelt, northwestern Gulf of Mexico, Interpretation, v. 11, no. 4, T717–T734.
  • Cornelius, S., 2023, Comparison of the Characteristics of Cretaceous Salt Deposition in Brazil with the Jurassic Salt Deposition in the Gulf of Mexico, Search and Discovery Article #11374.
  • Ramos, J.P., and Mann, P., 2023, Late Cretaceous-Recent tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Yucatan back-arc basin, northern Caribbean Sea, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 24, no. 8, e2023GC010933.
  • Zhang, H. and Bird, D., 2023, Detecting hypogenic karst features in the northeastern Delaware Basin, west Texas: Applications of Full Tensor Gradient (FTG) gravity data, Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 208, 104889.

2022 student thesis studies (3)

  • Bugti, M.N., 2022, Mesozoic plate reconstruction, salt tectonics, and hydrocarbon potential of the western Gulf of Mexico basin, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 221 p.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2022, Tectonostratigraphy, structural styles, and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the rifted-passive margins of the southern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic margin of Morocco, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 265 p.
  • Moore, B., 2022, Subsurface structure, stratigraphy, and hydrocarbon basin modeling of the Barbados Accretionary Prism, MS thesis, University of Houston, 117 p.

2022 presentations (54)

  • Abdelfatah, M., 2022, Crustal structure of the northwestern Red Sea rifted-passive margin based on an integration of seismic refraction, seismic reflection, and outcrop data, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • Abdelfatah, M., 2022, Integration of gravity, magnetics and seismic stratigraphy of the continental rift zone in the northern Red Sea, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Abdelfatah, M., 2022, Integration of gravity, magnetics, and seismic stratigraphy of the continental rift zone and in the northern Red Sea, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 14, 2022.
  • Abdelfatah, M., Mann, P., and Ball, P., 2022, Distribution, thickness, and kinematics of Middle Miocene salt in the Northern Red Sea rift basin, HGS-PESGB Africa Conference - The Future of G&G in Africa's E&P: Skills, Transition, & Resources, Sept. 26-28, 2022.
  • Beltran, R., 2022, Tectonic controls during Late syn-rift Lacustrine environments of Campos and Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 14, 2022.
  • Beltran, R., 2022, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of hyperextended rift systems: Implications for petroleum systems outside the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2022, Revised plate model for the opening of the Gulf of Mexico Basin based on a more precise definition of the continent-ocean boundaries from multiple data types, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2022, Salt withdrawal model and its effects on hydrocarbons in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Cornelius, S., 2022, The regional salt basin of Santos, Campos and Espirito Santo Basins, offshore Brazil and its reflection of crustal structural style underlying the detached salt, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Cornelius, S., 2022, Variations in carbonate deposition along the eastern Brazilian Atlantic Margin from Sergipe Alagoas to Pelotas Basins during the Upper Cretaceous (79 to 112 Ma), 38th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Perkins-Rosen Research Conference, Houston, TX, Dec. 5-7, 2022.
  • Cornelius, S., Mann, P., and Mukherjee, S., 2022, Regional variations in basement dip of the Santos, Campos and Espirito Santo Basins, offshore Brazil: and its control on structural style in the overlying detached salt and sedimentation, IMAGE 2022, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Easley, D., 2022, Evaluation of the tectonic, paleogeographic, and global isotopic excursions on organic deposition and preservation in Trinidad and Guyana: An application of expellable potential modeling, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 14, 2022.
  • Easley, D., 2022, Variations in the expellable potential of Late Cretaceous source rocks from Trinidad to Guyana: an evaluation of the influence of tectonic, paleogeographic, and global isotopic excursions on organic deposition and preservation, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • Easley, D., Pepper, A., and Mann, P., 2022, Distinguishing petroleum source rock acme intervals across northern South America: Ultimate Expellable Potential (UEP) modeling from Venezuela to Suriname, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Easley, D., Pepper, A., and Mann, P., 2022, Hydrocarbon potential of source rocks from Trinidad to Guyana: An application of Ultimate Expellable Potential (UEP) acme modeling, IMAGE 2022, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2022, Basin-scale estimates of thermal stress and expelled petroleum from Mesozoic-Cenozoic potential source rocks, southern Gulf of Mexico, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2022, Estimating thermal stress and expelled hydrocarbons from Mesozoic-Cenozoic source rocks of southern Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2022, Regional source rock thermal maturity modeling of offshore northern Morocco, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2022, Structural evolution and petroleum potential of the Campeche and Yucatan salt basin, Asociacion Mexicana de Geologos Petroleros Conferencia, Virtual, Mar. 30, 2022.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2022, Structure, stratigraphy, and petroleum potential of the deepwater southern Gulf of Mexico, PEMEX Sedimentary Basin Analysis Conference, Virtual, Mar. 9, 2022.
  • Hasan, M.N., and Mann, P., 2022, Tectonic controls on source rock thermal maturity of the Atlantic rifted-passive margin of Morocco, HGS-PESGB Africa Conference - The Future of G&G in Africa's E&P: Skills, Transition, & Resources, Sept. 26-28, 2022.
  • Hasan, M.N., Mann, P., and Miller, B., 2022, Tectonic history and hydrocarbon potential of the Moroccan rifted-passive margin, IMAGE 2022, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Mann, P., 2022, Focus in Phase VI, Year 3, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Mann, P., 2022, Welcome and overview of the CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting (Phase VI, Year 2), CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Mann, P., and Bugti, M.N., 2022, Better constrained continent-ocean boundaries for the Gulf of Mexico used as a basis for a new Mesozoic opening model, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Mann, P., and Shipper, K., 2022, How continuous is the Mesozoic rift system from Trinidad to southern Brazil and what are the implications for petroleum exploration?, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Mann, P., Romito, S., and McConnell, J.D., 2022, Structure and hydrocarbon potential of the ultra-thin continent-oceanic transition zone of the Camamu-Almada margin of northeastern Brazil, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • McConnell, J.D., 2022, Distribution and thickness of sediment-filled rifts in the deep-water Camamu-Alamada rifted-passive margin of northeastern Brazil of northeastern Brazil, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • McConnell, J.D., and Mann, P., 2022, Early Cretaceous deepwater rifts of the Camamu-Almada Basin of northeastern Brazil and their implications for the distribution of deepwater source and reservoir rocks, IMAGE 2022, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Moore, B., 2022, Regional structure and basin modeling of the Barbados accretionary prism, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Petkovsek, C., 2022, Mechanism to explain lateral variations in the geothermal gradient of the Delaware Basin, West Texas, as measured and calibrated from 1,024 deep exploration wells, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • Petkovsek, C., 2022, The influence of Proterozoic basement on interval-specific geothermal gradient in Delaware Basin, west Texas, and southeast New Mexico, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Petkovsek, C., Mann, P., and Pepper, A., 2022, Control of deeply-buried Proterozoic basement intrusive rocks inferred from a basin-wide maps of interval-specific geothermal gradient, Delaware Basin, West Texas, and southeastern New Mexico, IMAGE 2022, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2022, Coniacian-Santonian-sourced petroleum system along the deepwater Caribbean margin of Colombia, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2022, Crustal structure of the Yucatan backarc basin and its rifted continental and island arc margins, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2022, Regional effects of the Panama arc-South America collision and its controls on hydrocarbon distribution in Colombia and western Venezuela, AAPG ICE 2022, Cartagena, Colombia, April 19-22, 2022.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2022, Regional effects of the Panama arc-South America collision and its controls on hydrocarbon distribution in Colombia and Western Venezuela, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2022, Tracking a Late Cretaceous-sourced petroleum system in the offshore Sinu Belt, the Magdalena Fan, and the offshore Guajira of the Caribbean margin of Colombia, AAPG ICE 2022, Cartagena, Colombia, April 19-22, 2022.
  • Ramos, J.P., and Mann, P., 2022, Paleogene Yucatan back-arc basin in the northern Caribbean: Ridge and fracture zone geometry in oceanic crust, depth-to-Moho, and Cenozoic sedimentary fill, IMAGE 2022, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Ramos, J.P., and Mann, P., 2022, Tracking a Late Cretaceous-sourced petroleum system in the offshore Sinu Belt, the Magdalena Fan, and the offshore Guajira of the Caribbean margin of Colombia, AAPG ICE 2022 On-Demand Forum II: Offshore Exploration, Virtual, June 17, 2022.
  • Romito, S., Krueger, A., and Mann, P., 2022, AI-assisted structural interpretation of complex faulting and salt across the shelf and slope of the Camamu sub-basin, northeastern Brazil, IMAGE 2022, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Shahriar, U., 2022, Comparison of the Mauritania passive margin with Guinea Plateau and conjugates at Guyana, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 14, 2022.
  • Shahriar, U., 2022, Overview of the rifted-passive margin of Mauritania, West Africa, with comparisons north to Morocco and south to the Guinea Plateau, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Shipper, K., 2022, Comparing the crustal structure and Mesozoic stratigraphy of conjugate margins of Guyana-Suriname and Mauritania-Senegal data, AAPG Virtual Symposium - South Atlantic Conjugate Margins: Reconnecting Basins with Recent Discoveries and Exploration Opportunities, Virtual, Dec. 6-8, 2022.
  • Shipper, K., 2022, Crustal structure of the Guyana margin using 3D and 2D gravity models constrained with seismic reflection data, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 14, 2022.
  • Shipper, K., 2022, Crustal structure of the Guyana-Suriname margin based on 3D gravity inversion integrated with magnetic and seismic reflection data, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Shipper, K., 2022, Modeling of the 18-km-deep, subduction-related flexural west of the Strait of Gibraltar, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Shipper, K., 2022, Testing rift versus transform models for the Guyana margin using 3D and 2D gravity models constrained with seismic reflection data, First EAGE Guyana-Suriname Basin Conference, Georgetown, Guyana & Virtual, October 26-28, 2022.
  • Shipper, K., 2022, Testing rift versus transform models for the Guyana margin using 3D gravity model in contrast to seismic reflection data, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • Shipper, K., and Mann, P., 2022, Testing rift versus transform models for the Guyana margin using 3D gravity model compared to seismic reflection data, IMAGE 2022, Houston, Texas, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 2022.
  • Storms, J., 2022, CBTH website, deliverables to sponsors, and recent publications, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Sun, L., 2022, New developments with the CBTH database, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Walton, F., 2022, Structural restoration and driving forces for the Oligocene-Recent opening of the Gulf of California, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 14, 2022.
  • Walton, F., 2022, Structural restoration of submarine and coalesced pull-apart basins in the northern Gulf of California, UH EAS 35th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 29, 2022.
  • Walton, F., 2022, The Gulf of California obliquely-rifted margin as a modern analog to the Cretaceous oblique opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean in Brazil and West Africa, CBTH Annual Sponsor Meeting, Virtual, Oct. 7, 2022.
  • Zhang, H., 2022, Tectonic and hydrocarbon evolution of the Permian Basin, West Texas based on regional gravity modeling, subsidence, and source rock maturity analysis, AAPG Southwest Conference, Midland, Texas, May 2-4, 2022.

2022 publications (7)

  • Cornelius, S., and Emmet, P., 2022, Difference in overpressure environments for the Western and Central Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Bulletin, v. 106, no. 12, p. 2417–2442.
  • Galhom, T., Mann, P., and Rudolph, K., 2022, Jurassic-Recent structure, stratigraphy, and basin modeling of the rifted-passive margin of the Tarfaya-Dakhla basin of southern Morocco, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105626.
  • Hasan, M.N., and Mann, P., 2022, Deepwater passive margin foldbelts, in J. Rotzien, C. Yeilding, R. Sears, F.J. Hernández-Molina, and O. Catuneanu (eds.), Deepwater Sedimentary Systems: Science, Discovery, and Applications, Elsevier, p. 119-147.
  • Hasan, M.N., Pepper, A., and Mann, P., 2022, Basin-scale estimates of thermal stress and expelled petroleum from Mesozoic-Cenozoic potential source rocks, southern Gulf of Mexico, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105995. https//
  • Leslie, S., and Mann, P., 2022, Distribution and character of bottom simulating reflections in the western Caribbean offshore Guajira Peninsula, Colombia, in J. Mienert, C. Berndt, A. Tréhu, A. Camerlenghi, and C.-S. Liu (eds.), World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins, p. 333-341.
  • Mann, P., 2022, Crustal structure and tectonostratigraphy of rifted-passive margins with applications for hydrocarbon exploration, in J. Rotzien, C. Yeilding, R. Sears, F.J. Hernández-Molina, and O. Catuneanu (eds.), Deepwater Sedimentary Systems: Science, Discovery, and Applications, Elsevier, p. 83-117.
  • Romito, S., and Mann, P., 2022, Crustal structure of the Camamu-Almada margin along the northeastern rift segment of Brazil from an integration of deep-penetration seismic reflection profiles, refraction, and gravity modeling, Tectonics, v. 41, no. 9, e2021TC007157.

2021 student thesis studies (5)

  • Bishop, L.M., 2021, Cretaceous-Cenozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Sandino Forearc Basin, Offshore Nicaragua, MS thesis, University of Houston, 126 p.
  • Liu, M., 2021, Mesozoic rift evolution and crustal structure of the Gulf of Mexico Basin from integration of multiple geological and geophysical datasets, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 219 p.
  • Miller, B., 2021, Tectonic evolution of the Cenozoic Lesser Antilles volcanic arc and the Mesozoic rifted-passive margin of northern Morocco using geologic, seismic reflection, and gravity data; MS thesis, University of Houston, 147 p.
  • Romito, S., 2021, Crustal structure, tectonostratigraphy, and hydrocarbon potential of the terranes underlying the Caribbean Plate and the Camamu-Almada rifted passive margin of northeastern Brazil, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 288 p.
  • Zhang, H., 2021, Gravity modeling, seismic stratigraphy, and thermal maturity modeling of hydrocarbons of the Permian Foreland Basin, USA and the Sergipe-Alagoas rifted-passive margin, Brazil, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 213 p.

2021 presentations (52)

  • Abdelfatah, M., 2021, Can the Red Sea become a 5 Billion Barrel Superbasin?, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 1, 2021.
  • Bishop, L, 2021, Progressive, along-strike deformation and stratigraphic response of the Central American Forearc basin, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Bishop, M., Mann, P., and Rudolph, K., 2021, Progressive, along-strike deformation of the Sandino-Tempisque-Terraba forearc basin of Nicaragua and Costa Rica and impact on its hydrocarbon prospectivity, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.
  • Bishop, M., Mann, P., and Rudolph, K., 2021, Progressive, along-strike deformation of the Sandino-Tempisque-Terraba forearc basin of Nicaragua and Costa Rica and impact on its hydrocarbon prospectivity, Third EAGE-HGS Conference on Latin America, Houston, Texas, Nov. 9-10, 2021.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2021, Hydrocarbon generation and source rock maturity modeling along the Port Isabel Passive Margin Foldbelt, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Bugti, N., 2021, Source rocks thermal stress study in Port Isabel Passive Margin Foldbelt, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 1, 2021.
  • Bugti, N., 2021, Regional basin modeling and hydrocarbon maturation of the Port Isabel passive margin foldbelt, northwestern Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf 2021, Austin, Texas, Oct. 27-29, 2021.
  • Bugti, N., and Mann, P., 2021, Basin modeling to constrain the hydrocarbon potential of the Port Isabel foldbelt, northwestern US Gulf of Mexico, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.
  • Bugti, N., and Mann, P., 2021, Opening of the closed Gulf of Mexico by a first phase of arcuate, Late Jurassic oceanic spreading, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 13-17, 2021.
  • Cedeño, A.F., 2021, Oil and source rock geochemistry of the Guyana Basin, Third EAGE-HGS Conference on Latin America, Houston, Texas, Nov. 9-10, 2021.
  • Cornelius, S., 2021, Contrasting overpressure environments for the western and central deepwater Gulf of Mexico, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.
  • Cornelius, S., 2021, Geological sources of CO2 in Santos, Campos and Espíritu Santo basins, Third EAGE-HGS Conference on Latin America, Houston, Texas, Nov. 9-10, 2021.
  • Cornelius, S., and Emmet, P., 2021, Overpressure sources in the Western and Central Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf 2021, Austin, Texas, Oct. 27-29, 2021.
  • Easley, D., 2021, Distinguishing petroleum source rock acmes across northern South America: Application to evaluate the potential of the Albian to Maastrichtian Guyana Basin, Third EAGE-HGS Conference on Latin America, Houston, Texas, Nov. 9-10, 2021.
  • Easley, D., 2021, Distinguishing petroleum source rock acmes across northern South America: Application to evaluate the potential of the Albian to Maastrichtian Guyana Basin, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 1, 2021.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2021, Regional source rock maturity modeling along the Campeche Salt Basin, southern Gulf of Mexico, Third EAGE-HGS Conference on Latin America, Houston, Texas, Nov. 9-10, 2021.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2021, Thermal maturity modeling along the Campeche Salt Basin, southern Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 1, 2021.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2021, Thermal maturity modeling of the Tithonian source rocks along the Campeche Salt Basin, southern Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Hasan, M.N., Mann, P., and Liu, M., 2021, Rifted, continental basement morphology of the Campeche salt basin and its controls on pods of source rock maturity, southern Gulf of Mexico, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.
  • Hasan, M.N., Mann, P., and Miller, B., 2021, Megaregional seismic mapping of the Moroccan rifted-passive margin of the Central Atlantic Ocean, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.
  • Hasan, M.N., and Mann, P., 2021, Regional thermal maturity modeling along the Campeche salt basin, southern Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf 2021, Austin, Texas, Oct. 27-29, 2021.
  • Liu, 2021, Crustal thickness variations of the Greater Gulf of Mexico region from integrated geological and geophysical analysis, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Mann, P., 2021, Comparing the tectonic settings and fault kinematics producing large earthquakes in the NE Caribbean: 2005 DR, 2020 Puerto Rico, and 2010 and 2021 Haiti, Missouri University of Science and Technology Online Seminar, Virtual, Sept. 8, 2021.
  • Mann, P., 2021, How subsurface industry data can address tectonic problems in different tectonic settings, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 13-17, 2021.
  • Mann, P., 2021, Progress and problems in our current understanding of the Mesozoic opening history of the Gulf of Mexico basin, GeoGulf 2021, Austin, Texas, Oct. 27-29, 2021.
  • Mann, P., 2021, The predictive value of basin modeling in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico area: One confirmed giant cluster and two remaining possibilities, GeoGulf 2021, Austin, Texas, Oct. 27-29, 2021.
  • Mann, P., and Tillman, T., 2021, Distribution of hydrocarbons in island settings of the northeastern Caribbean: The importance of a thick overburden, AAPG Caribbean Technical Symposium and E&P Summit, Virtual, Sept. 14-15, 2021.
  • Mann, P., and Vence, E., 2021, Subsurface basement, structure, stratigraphy and timing of regional tectonic events affecting the Guajira margin of Colombia, Third Annual Webinar on Geology and Earth Science (Geo-2021), Osaka, Japan, Sept. 14, 2021.
  • Miller, B., 2021, Testing the continuity of Lesser Antilles forearc provinces based on gravity modeling and a compilation of radiometric data, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Moore, B., 2021, Along-strike structure of the Barbados accretionary prism: The structural effects of subducting bathymetric highs on wedge taper angle, prism growth, and hydrocarbon potential, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Moore, B., 2021, The unresolved origin of source rocks for hydrocarbons in the Barbados accretionary prism: squeezed from sources within prism or derived from organic-rich blocks scraped off the downgoing plate?, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 1, 2021.
  • Moore, B., and Mann, P., 2021, The unresolved origin of source rocks for hydrocarbons in the Barbados accretionary prism: squeezed from sources within prism or derived from organic-rich blocks scraped off the downgoing plate?, AAPG Caribbean Technical Symposium and E&P Summit, Virtual, Sept. 14-15, 2021.
  • Moore, B., and Mann, P., 2021, The unresolved origin of source rocks for hydrocarbons in the Barbados accretionary prism: squeezed from sources within prism or derived from organic-rich blocks scraped off the downgoing plate?, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.
  • Pepper, A., Bugti, N., Heister, L., O’Leary, J., Laigle, J.M., Roller, E., Stalnaker, J., Mann, P., and Pascoe, R., 2021, Outcrop to Basin center thermal evolution of the US Gulf of Mexico Basin, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.
  • Petkovsek, C., and Mann, P., 2021, Precambrian basement is an important control on subsidence, heat flow and maturation in the Delaware basin, GeoGulf 2021, Austin, Texas, Oct. 27-29, 2021.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2021, Assessing the effects of the Panama arc collision on basement configuration, clastic wedge formation and hydrocarbon distribution in northwestern South America, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 1, 2021.
  • Ramos, J.P., 2021, Regional effects of Miocene-Recent Panama Arc collision; Influence on maturation and distribution of HCs in NW South America and S. Central America, Third EAGE-HGS Conference on Latin America, Houston, Texas, Nov. 9-10, 2021.
  • Ramos, J.P., and Mann, P., 2021, Regional effects of Miocene-to-Recent Panama Arc collision from subducting plate geometry, basement thermochronology and clastic wedge deposition, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 13-17, 2021.
  • Romito, S., 2021, AI-assisted structural interpretation of complex faulting and salt on the shelf and slope of the Camamu basin northeastern Brazil, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 1, 2021.
  • Romito, S., 2021, Testing the transitional crust and its implications on the tectonomagmatic evolution of the Camamu-Almada margin along the northeastern rift segment of Brazil, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Romito, S., Krueger, A., and Mann, P., 2021, AI-assisted structural interpretation of complex faulting and salt pillows on the shelf and slope of the Camamu basin northeastern Brazil, 17th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & Expogef, Virtual, Nov. 8-11, 2021.
  • Romito, S., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2021, Cretaceous-Cenozoic structural and magmatic evolution of the Camamu-Almada rifted-passive margin, northeastern Brazil, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.
  • Shipper, K., 2021, 3D gravity inversion supports the Guyana-Suriname rifted passage margin of Jurassic age: But where is its conjugate?, Third EAGE-HGS Conference on Latin America, Houston, Texas, Nov. 9-10, 2021.
  • Shipper, K., 2021, Flexural modeling of the subducting Atlantic plate – Bahamas to Trinidad, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 1, 2021.
  • Shipper, K., 2021, Kinematic framework of shear stress variations along the San Andreas strike-slip fault zone, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Shipper, K., and Mann, P., 2021, 3D Gravity Inversion to Constrain the Crustal Structure of the Guyana-Suriname Margin, AAPG Caribbean Technical Symposium and E&P Summit, Virtual, Sept. 14-15, 2021.
  • Shipper, K., and Mann, P., 2021, Comparison of the flexural effects of subducted oceanic plates beneath the highly-arcuate Lesser Antilles and South Sandwich subduction systems, New Orleans, Louisiana, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Dec. 13-17, 2021.
  • Sun, L., and Mann, P., 2021, Strike-slip fault geometry and strain partitioning in the North America-Caribbean plate boundary zone in northern Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti), AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 13-17, 2021.
  • Sun, L., Mann, P., and Fielding, E., 2021, Comparison of tectonic setting, focal mechanisms, aftershocks, and coseismic displacement patterns of the 2010 and 2021 Haiti earthquakes, New Orleans, Louisiana, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Dec. 13-17, 2021.
  • Zhang, H., 2021, Crustal structure of the Sergipe-Alagoas rifted-passive margin, northeastern Brazil based on gravity modeling, UH EAS 34th Annual Student Research Conference and Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 30, 2021.
  • Zhang, H., 2021, Tectonostratigraphic evolution and thermal maturity modeling of the Sergipe-Alagoas rifted-passive margin, northeastern Brazil, Third EAGE-HGS Conference on Latin America, Houston, Texas, Nov. 9-10, 2021.
  • Zhang, H., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2021, Integration of basin analysis and gravity modeling for the Sergipe-Alagoas rifted-passive margin, northeastern Brazil, IMAGE (SEG/AAPG) International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2021.

2021 publications (21)

  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., Vargas, C.A., and Wood, L.J., 2021, Gravity, seismic reflection and tomographic constraints on the subduction to strike-slip transition; southeastern Caribbean Plate boundary zone, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 469–512.
  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., and Wood, L.J., 2021, Tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins around the arcuate southeastern margin of the Caribbean plate, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 183–238.
  • Blanco, J.M. and Mann, P., 2021, Subsurface geology of La Vela Basin, offshore Venezuela: Examples of basement and carbonate-hosted liquid and gas hydrocarbon reservoirs, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 411–440.
  • Castillo, K., and Mann, P., 2021, Structure, stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of the easternmost part of the Eastern Venezuelan foreland basin, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 591–620.
  • Cedeño, A., Ahmed, M., Escalona, A., and Abrahamson, P., 2021, Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the western Barbados accretionary prism and the eastern Tobago Basin: Implications for petroleum systems, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 649–676.
  • Cedeño, A., Ohm, S., and Escalona, A., 2021, Barbados petroleum and its role in understanding distribution of Cretaceous source rocks in the southeastern Caribbean margin: Insights from an organic geochemistry study, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 441–468.
  • Cedeño, A., Ohm, S., Escalona, A., Narain, E., and Jager, J., 2021, Source rocks in the Guyana Basin: Insights from geochemical investigations of 15 heavy oils from onshore Suriname, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 749–776.
  • Escalona, A., Norton, I., Lawver, L., and Gahagan, L., 2021, Quantitative plate tectonic reconstructions of the Caribbean region from Jurassic to present, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 239–264.
  • Escalona, A., Ahmed, S.S., and Watson, L., 2021, Late Cretaceous-Pliocene paleogeography of the circum-Caribbean region based on quantitative plate reconstruction and georeferenced databases, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 513–538.
  • Figueira, B., and Escalona, A., 2021, Overview of the subsurface structural provinces of the southern Gulf of Paria region, Trinidad-Venezuela: Implications for petroleum prospectivity, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 539–562.
  • Gomez, S., Mann, P., Alvarez, T., and Krueger, A., 2021, Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Barbados accretionary prism and surrounding sedimentary basins within the southeastern Caribbean, arcuate, strike-slip-to-subduction transition zone, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 265–316.
  • Hasan, M.N. and Mann, P., 2021, Structural styles and evolution of the Campeche salt basin, southern Gulf of Mexico, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 133, n. 105313.
  • Hippolyte, J.C., and Mann, P., 2021, Neogene paleostress and structural evolution of Trinidad: Rotation, strain partitioning, and strike-slip reactivation of an obliquely colliding thrust belt, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 317–346.
  • Kenning, J., and Mann, P., 2021, Cenozoic structural deformation between the Lamprea fold-belt and Salina del Bravo salt province by interacting salt and shale detachments, western Gulf of Mexico, Journal of Structural Geology, v. 153.
  • Punnette, S. and Mann, P., 2021, Subsurface structure of the Hinge Line fault zone and its control on the distribution of gas fields of the North Coast Marine Area of offshore northern Trinidad, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Ba Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 357–386.
  • Punnette, S., Wood, L., and Mann, P., 2021, Pleistocene to Holocene sedimentary evolution of the North Coast Marine Area, offshore Trinidad, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 563–590.
  • Rodriguez, L., Mann, P., and Hall, S., 2021, Crustal structure and geologic history of the Espino rift, Venezuela, based on potential fields, seismic reflection, and well data, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 713–748.
  • Sun, L. and Mann, P., 2021, Along-strike rapid structural and geomorphic transition from transpression to strike-slip to transtension related to active microplate rotation, Papua New Guinea, Frontiers in Earth Science, 13 May 2021.
  • Watson, L. and Escalona, A., 2021, Creating spatial-based paleogeography from plate reconstructions: a methodology, in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 347–356.
  • Zhang, H., Mann, P., Bird, D., and Rudolph, K., 2021, Integration of regional gravity modeling, subsidence analysis, and source rock maturity data to understand the tectonic and hydrocarbon evolution of the Permian Basin, west Texas, Interpretation, v. 9, n. 1, 1-F-Y1.
  • Zimmermann, U., Dieset, J., Watson, L., and Lapen, T., 2021, Sedimentological constraints and provenance of Eocene and Miocene successions from Barbados, Eastern Caribbean-NE South American Boundary: in C. Bartolini (ed.), South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems, AAPG Memoir 123, p. 109–138.

2020 student thesis studies (6)

  • Galhom, T., 2020, Jurassic-Recent structure, stratigraphy, and basin modeling of the rifted-passive margin of southern Morocco, MS thesis, University of Houston, 86 p.
  • Kenning, J., 2020, Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic controls on basin formation and hydrocarbon potential of the deep-water Mexican sector of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 270 p.
  • Leslie, S., 2020, Structure, stratigraphy, and hydrocarbon potential of the Colombian Caribbean margin and tsunamigenic hazards in the western Caribbean Sea and the South China Sea, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 192 p.
  • Miller, J., 2020, Stratigraphic, gravimetric, And radiometric evidence for the Oligocene emergence of the nascent Lesser Antilles volcanic arc between the Grenada and Tobago basins, southeastern Caribbean Sea, MS thesis, University of Houston, 105 p.
  • Storey, M., 2020, Tectonic setting, structure, and seismic stratigraphy of the Apalachicola Rift and its overlying sag basin in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, MS thesis, University of Houston, 102 p.
  • Zinecker, M., 2020, Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of Three Mesozoic, Rifted-Passive Margins: Guinea Plateau, Demerara Rise, and the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 302 p.

2020 presentations (62)

  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., and Wood, L., 2020, Tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins around the arcuate southeastern margin of the Caribbean Plate, AAPG Virtual Research Symposium: Southeast Caribbean & Guiana Basins, Sept. 17-18, 2020.
  • Bishop, L.M., 2020, Direct hydrocarbon indicators associated with Oligocene-recent folds of the Sandino forearc basin, offshore Pacific margin of Nicaragua, AAPG Pacific Basins, Virtual, Oct. 22, 2020.
  • Bishop, L.M., 2020, Direct hydrocarbon indicators associated with Oligocene-recent folds of the Sandino forearc basin, offshore Pacific margin of Nicaragua, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Bishop, L.M., and Mann, P., 2020, Latest Eocene-Early Oligocene magmatic and structural reorganization of the Sandino forearc basin and Central American volcanic arc, Nicaragua, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2020, Can the allochthonous salt canopy reveal the basement structure beneath it? Case study of Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2020, Can the allochthonous salt canopy reveal the basement structure beneath it? Case study of Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf 2020, Lafayette, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2020.
  • Bugti, M.N., and Mann, P., 2020, Insights into the basement structure beneath the thick allochthonous salt canopy in the deepwater U.S. Gulf of Mexico, northwestern Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf 2020, Lafayette, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2020.
  • Castillo, K., and Mann, P., 2020, Structure, stratigraphy, and hydrocarbon potential of the easternmost part of the Eastern Venezuela Basin, AAPG Virtual Research Symposium: Southeast Caribbean & Guiana Basins, Sept. 17-18, 2020.
  • Charles, W., 2020, An analysis of the flexural deformation of the Colombian and Venezuelan basins due to their subduction beneath northern South America and the Greater Antilles, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Charles, W., and Mann, P., 2020, Observed and modeled flexural response of the Colombian and Venezuelan basins due to their shallow, amagmatic subduction beneath South America and the Greater Antilles, AAPG Southwest Caribbean Basins Virtual Research Symposium: Recent Studies and Advances in Understanding the Geology of Colombia, Panama and Venezuela, July 23-24, 2020.
  • Cornelius, S., 2020, Contrasting geothermal and geopressured environments of the western and central deepwater Gulf of Mexico, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Cornelius, S., and Emmet, P., 2020, Relationship between geothermal and geopressure gradients in the deepwater western Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Virtual, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2020.
  • Cornelius, S., and Emmet, P., 2020, Geothermal gradients in the deep-water Gulf of Mexico and their relationship to overpressure: Garden Banks, Green Canyon, Keathley Canyon, and Walker Ridge, GeoGulf 2020, Lafayette, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2020.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2020, Explaining structural styles of the Campeche salt province, southwestern Gulf of Mexico, within the framework of a passive margin fold belt, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Hasan, M.N., and Mann, P., 2020, Basement controls on the downdip transport direction and internal salt structures of the Campeche passive margin foldbelt, southeastern Gulf of Mexico, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Hasan, M.N., and Mann, P., 2020, Deformation of the Campeche salt province, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, interpreted within the structural framework of a passive margin foldbelt, GeoGulf 2020, Lafayette, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2020.
  • Hasan, M.N., and Mann, P., 2020, Relating Structural Style of Campeche Salt Basin, Southwestern Gulf of Mexico to Subtle, Northward Dip Variations in its Underlying Basement, AAPG Virtual Research Symposium: Mexican Basins: Advancing the Understanding of Mexico's Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential, Nov. 19, 2020.
  • Hasan, M.N., Mann, P., Masy, J., and Sorley, R., 2020, Explaining differing styles of salt deformation in the Campeche and Yucatan salt basins, southern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Virtual, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2020.
  • Kenning, J., and Mann, P., 2020, Tectonic, structural, and stratigraphic controls on the burial and thermal maturity of Mesozoic source rocks of the deep-water Yucatan Margin, Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Circum-Gulf of Mexico Pre-Salt Section, Mexico City, Mexico, Feb. 5-7, 2020.
  • Leslie, S., and Mann, P., 2020, Structure, stratigraphy, and petroleum potential of the deepwater Colombian Basin, offshore northern Colombia, AAPG Southwest Caribbean Basins Virtual Research Symposium: Recent Studies and Advances in Understanding the Geology of Colombia, Panama and Venezuela, July 23-24, 2020.
  • Liu, M., 2020, Regional extent and tectonic origin of the Mesozoic marginal rift system of the deep-water Gulf of Mexico basin, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Liu, M., 2020, Using regional gravity model to define the crustal setting of recent, giant oil discoveries in Guyana and Suriname, AAPG Virtual Research Symposium: Southeast Caribbean & Guiana Basins, Sept. 17-18, 2020.
  • Liu, M., and Mann, P., 2020, Marginal rift system along Late Jurassic conjugate margins of the Gulf of Mexico: Rift continuity, age, and tectonic significance, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Circum-Gulf of Mexico Pre-Salt Section, Mexico City, Mexico, Feb. 5-7, 2020.
  • Liu, M., and Mann, P., 2020, Regional extent and tectonic origin of the Mesozoic marginal rift system of the deep-water Gulf of Mexico Basin, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Virtual, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2020.
  • Liu, M., Bird, D., and Mann, P., 2020, Distribution and thickness of crustal types of the Greater Gulf of Mexico region based on constrained 3D gravity inversion, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Mann, P., 2020, Late Cretaceous to recent oblique collision of the Great Arc of the Caribbean with northern South America and its control on the distribution of hydrocarbon resources, AAPG Southwest Caribbean Basins Virtual Research Symposium: Recent Studies and Advances in Understanding the Geology of Colombia, Panama and Venezuela, July 23-24, 2020.
  • Mann, P., and Hippolyte, J.C., 2020, Neogene paleostress and structural evolution Of Trinidad: rotation, strain partitioning, and strike-slip reactivation of an obliquely-colliding thrust belt, AAPG Virtual Research Symposium: Southeast Caribbean & Guiana Basins, Sept. 17-18, 2020.
  • Mann, P., Pachon, L.F., and Cardozo, N., 2020, Tectonic and hydrocarbon comparisons between two Colombian foreland basins: Llanos and Putumayo, AAPG Virtual Research Symposium: Andean Basins, Aug. 20-21, 2020.
  • Martinez, M., 2020, Predicting areas of future giant oil and gas field discoveries along the South America-West Africa conjugate margins, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Miller, B., 2020, Testing the continuity of the Lesser Antilles forearc provinces based on gravity modeling and a compilation of radiometric age dates, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Miller, B., and Mann, P., 2020, Testing the continuity of Lesser Antilles forearc provinces based on gravity modeling and a compilation of radiometric age dates, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Miller, B., and Mann, P., 2020, Testing the continuity of Lesser Antilles forearc provinces based on gravity modeling and a compilation of radiometric age dates, AAPG Southwest Caribbean Basins Virtual Research Symposium: Recent Studies and Advances in Understanding the Geology of Colombia, Panama and Venezuela, July 23-24, 2020.
  • Miller, B., Mann, P., Zinecker, M., Galhom, T., and Runyon, B., 2020, Mega-regional potential fields and seismic reflection study of hydrocarbon plays along the passive-rifted margin of northwest Africa, HGS-PESGB Africa Conference, Virtual, Oct. 29, 2020.
  • Miller, J., 2020, Structure, stratigraphy, and recent hydrocarbon indicators in the Grenada and Tobago basins, southeastern Caribbean Sea, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Miller, J., and Mann, P., 2020, Stratigraphic and radiometric evidence for the Oligocene emergence of the southern Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc between the Grenada and Tobago basins, AAPG Virtual Research Symposium: Southeast Caribbean & Guiana Basins, Sept. 17-18, 2020.
  • Miller, J., and Mann, P., 2020, Stratigraphic and radiometric evidence for the Oligocene emergence of the southern Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc between the Grenada and Tobago Basins, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Miller, J., Mann, P., Masy, J., and Sorley, R., 2020, Structure, stratigraphy, and recent hydrocarbon indicators in the Grenada and Tobago basins, southeastern Caribbean Sea, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Virtual, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2020.
  • Moore, B., 2020, Along-strike structure and zonation of the Barbados accretionary prism: Taper angle vs. subducting highs, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Moore, B., and Mann, P., 2020, Effects of subducting bathymetric highs on variations in the wedge taper angles of the Barbados Accretionary Prism, AAPG Virtual Research Symposium: Southeast Caribbean & Guiana Basins, Sept. 17-18, 2020.
  • Moore, B., and Mann, P., 2020, Effects of subducting bathymetric highs on variations in the wedge taper angles of the Barbados Accretionary Prism, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Romito, S., 2020, Understanding the sub-salt rifting history of the South Gabon basin through interpretation and modeling of the directly conjugate Camamu and Almada margin, offshore northeastern Brazil, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Romito, S., and Mann, P., 2020, Structural restoration of the ultrathin, Camamu-Almada rifted-passive margin, northeastern Brazil: Relations between crustal stretching, sedimentation, and uplift, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Romito, S., and Mann, P., 2020, Tectonic terranes underlying the present-day Caribbean Plate: their tectonic origin, sedimentary thickness, subsidence histories, and regional controls on hydrocarbon resources, AAPG Southwest Caribbean Basins Virtual Research Symposium: Recent Studies and Advances in Understanding the Geology of Colombia, Panama and Venezuela, July 23-24, 2020.
  • Romito, S., Mann, P., and Krueger, A., 2020, A new method using marine satellite gravity data to distinguish between volcanic and non-volcanic margins of the South Atlantic Ocean, Understanding the sub-salt rifting history of the South Gabon basin through interpretation and modeling of the directly conjugate Camamu and Almada margin, offshore northeastern Brazil, HGS-PESGB Africa Conference, Virtual, Oct. 8, 2020.
  • Romito, S., Krueger, A., and Mann, P., 2020, Structural restorations of the Camamu-Almada passive margin, northeastern Brazil: timing of movement, anomalous, AAPG South Atlantic Basins Virtual Research Symposium: Offshore Basins of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay: the Next Exploration Frontier, Dec. 3-4, 2020.
  • Storey, M., and Mann, P., 2020, Seismic imaging of pre-salt half-grabens along low-angle normal faults in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Storey, M., Mann, P., and Liu, M., 2020, Tectonic setting and structure of pre-salt, Mesozoic rift basins in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Circum-Gulf of Mexico Pre-Salt Section, Mexico City, Mexico, Feb. 5-7, 2020.
  • Storey, M., Mann, P., and Liu, M., 2020, Tectonic setting, structure, and hydrocarbon potential of pre-salt, Mesozoic rift basins in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Virtual, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2020.
  • Sun, L., and Mann, P., 2020, Tectonic setting of the 2019-2020 Puerto Rico earthquake swarm based on integration of active faults, earthquake focal mechanisms, and tectonic geomorphology, GSA 2020 Connects Online, Virtual, Oct. 26-30, 2020.
  • Sun, L., Mann, P., and Hippolyte, J.C., 2020, Puerto Rico’s 2019-2020 earthquake swarm: Conjugate strike-slip and normal faults within an upper-crustal intra-plate setting, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Urdaneta, M., 2020, How gravity and magnetic maps can be used to identify seaward-dipping reflectors in the South Atlantic, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Urdaneta, M., Meyer, S.K., and Mann, P., 2020, A new method using marine satellite gravity data to distinguish between volcanic and non-volcanic margins of the South Atlantic Ocean, HGS-PESGB Africa Conference, Virtual, Oct. 8, 2020.
  • Urdaneta, M., Meyer, S.K., and Mann, P., 2020, Filtering gravity data to locate boundaries of volcanic and non-volcanic margins of the South Atlantic Ocean, AAPG South Atlantic Basins Virtual Research Symposium: Offshore Basins of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay: the Next Exploration Frontier, Dec. 3-4, 2020.
  • Urdaneta, M., Meyer, S.K., and Mann, P., 2020, Mega-regional mapping of seaward-dipping reflectors along Cretaceous, conjugate volcanic margins of South America and West Africa using satellite gravity data, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Zhang, H., 2020, Crustal structure of the Sergipe-Alagoas rifted-passive margin, northeastern Brazil based on gravity modeling, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Virtual, Nov. 9, 2020.
  • Zhang, H., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2020, Deep crustal structure of the Sergipe-Alagoas rifted-passive margin, northeastern Brazil based on deeply-penetrating reflection data and 2D gravity modeling, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Zhang, H., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2020, Integration of structural analysis and 2D gravity modeling of the ultra-thin Sergipe-Alagoas rifted passive margin, northeastern Brazil, AAPG South Atlantic Basins Virtual Research Symposium: Offshore Basins of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay: the Next Exploration Frontier, Dec. 3-4, 2020.
  • Zhang, H., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2020, Integration of structural analysis and gravity modeling in the Permian Basin, West Texas, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Virtual, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2020.
  • Zhang, H., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2020, Synthesis of crustal structure and hydrocarbon potential: north Gabon-Equatorial Guinea (west Africa) and Sergipe-Alagoas (northeast Brazil) conjugate margins, HGS-PESGB Africa Conference, Virtual, Oct. 8, 2020.
  • Zinecker, M., and Mann, P., 2020, The Guinea-Demerara volcanic conjugate margins: comparisons of their rifted crustal structure and overlying passive margin stratigraphy, HGS-PESGB Africa Conference, Virtual, Oct. 8, 2020.
  • Zinecker, M., and Mann, P., 2020, The Guinea-Demerara volcanic conjugate margins: comparisons of their rifted crustal structure and overlying passive margin stratigraphy, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual, Dec. 1-17, 2020.
  • Zinecker, M., and Mann, P., 2020, Mesozoic to recent tectonostratigraphy, paleogeography, and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Guinea Plateau, northwestern Africa, HGS-PESGB Africa Conference, Virtual, Oct. 29, 2020.

2020 publications (12)

  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., Torrado, L., Mann, P., and English, J., 2020, Basin modeling of Late Cretaceous / Mio-Pliocene petroleum system of the deep-water eastern Colombian Basin and South Caribbean Deformed Belt: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 121, p. 104511.
  • Kenning, J. and Mann, P., 2020, Control of structural style by large, Paleogene, mass transport deposits in the Mexican Ridges foldbelt and Salina del Bravo, western Gulf of Mexico, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 115, p. 104254.
  • Kenning, J. and Mann, P., 2020, Regional thermal maturity modeling of hydrocarbons along the deep-water Yucatan margin, southern Gulf of Mexico, in Davison, I., Hull, J., and Pindell, J., eds., The Basins, Orogens, and Evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 504, p. 203-231.
  • Leslie, S., and Mann, P., 2020, Structure, stratigraphy, and petroleum potential of the deepwater Colombian basin, offshore northern Colombia, Interpretation, v. 8, n. 4, p. 1N-T1095.
  • Mann, P. and Pierce, S., 2020, Stratigraphy and structure of regionally-isolated hydrocarbon occurrences in the Azua basin, south-central Dominican Republic (northeastern Caribbean), in Davison, I., Hull, J., and Pindell, J., eds., The Basins, Orogens, and Evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 504, p. 437-478.
  • Pachon-Parra, L., Mann, P., and Cardozo, N., 2020, Regional subsurface mapping and 3D flexural modeling of the obliquely converging Putumayo foreland basin, southern Colombia: Interpretation, v. 8, n. 4, p. 1N-T1095.
  • Romito, S., and Mann, P., 2020, Tectonic terranes underlying the present-day Caribbean plate: Their tectonic origin, sedimentary thickness, subsidence histories, and regional controls on hydrocarbon resources, in Davison, I., Hull, J., and Pindell, J., eds., The Basins, Orogens, and Evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 504, p. 343-377.
  • Sanchez, J., and Mann, P., 2020, Patterns of recent deformation of the western Maracaibo block, northern Colombia and western Venezuela, based on integration of geomorphic indices with regional geology, Interpretation, v. 8, n. 4, p. ST49-ST67.
  • Sun, L., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2020, Integration of tectonic geomorphology and crustal structure across the active, oblique collisional zone on the island of Hispaniola, northeastern Caribbean, in Davison, I., Hull, J., and Pindell, J., eds., The Basins, Orogens, and Evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 504, p. 379-400.
  • Tillman, T. and Mann, P., 2020, Regional hydrocarbon potential of the northeastern Caribbean based on integration of sediment thickness and source rock data, in Davison, I., Hull, J., and Pindell, J., eds., The Basins, Orogens, and Evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 504, p. 401-436.>
  • Torrado, L., Carvajal-Arenas, L. C., Mann, P., Bhattacharya, J., 2020, Integrated seismic and well-log analysis for the exploration of stratigraphic traps in the Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 104, p. 102607.
  • Vence, E., and Mann, P., 2020, Subsurface basement, structure, stratigraphy, and timing of regional tectonic events affecting the Guajira margin of northern Colombia, Interpretation, v. 8, n. 4, p. 1N-T1095.

2019 student thesis studies (1)

  • Lunn, E., 2019, 3D gravity modeling of the Barreirinhas and Ceara basins of northeastern Brazil, MS thesis, University of Houston, 103 p.

2019 presentations (68)

  • Alam, M., 2019, Investigating modern sediment depositional changes in Galveston Bay using CHIRP, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Alam, M., 2019, Structural comparison of 27 passive margin fold-belts from the margins of the Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, and Africa, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Bishop, L.M., 2019, Tectonostratigraphic setting and forearc sliver motion of Sandino Forearc Basin, Nicaragua, HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America: South & Central Petroleum Plays for the Third Millennium, Houston, Texas, Nov. 19-20, 2019.
  • Bishop, L.M., 2019, Tectonostratigraphic setting and forearc sliver motion of Sandino Forearc Basin, Nicaragua, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Bjelica, N., 2019, Paleogeographic controls on the thickness and organic content of Cretaceous OAE2 black shale horizons documented in wells from the Guyana-Suriname basin and Demerara Rise, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 5-6, 2019.
  • Bjelica, N., 2019, Paleogeographic controls on the thickness and organic content of Cretaceous OAE2 black shale horizons documented in wells from the Guyana-Suriname basin and Demerara Rise, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2019, Predictive model for the distribution and types of active faulting in the US Gulf of Mexico related to downslope-translating, supra-salt canopy minibasins, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2019, Structural evolution of Port Isabel passive margin foldbelt, northwest Gulf of Mexico: results from kinematics restorations, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2019, Structural evolution of Port Isabel passive margin foldbelt, northwestern Gulf of Mexico: results from kinematic restorations, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 5-6, 2019.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2019, The minibasin weld with subsalt sediments and its impact on regional downflow movement of the salt canopy, deepwater Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Cedeno, A., Ohm, S., Escalona, A., and Narain, E., 2019, Petroleum system(s?) in the Guyana-Suriname Basin: Insights from a geochemical study onshore Suriname, International Meeting of Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. 1-6, 2019.
  • Charles, W., 2019, Regional flexure of the Caribbean intraplate area as a result of its subduction beneath the northern South America margin, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Charles, W., 2019, Regional flexure of the Caribbean intraplate area as a result of its subduction beneath the northern South America margin, HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America: South & Central Petroleum Plays for the Third Millennium, Houston, Texas, Nov. 19-20, 2019.
  • Charles, W., Sun, L., Romito, S., and Mann, P., 2019, Regional flexural effects of the Caribbean plate produced by its active subduction beneath northern South America, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Cornelius, S., 2019, Depth to the top of the overpressure in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, 25th Annual Dobrin Lecture, Mar. 20, 2019.
  • Cornelius, S., 2019, Depth to the top of the overpressure in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Garden Banks, Green Canyon, Keathley Canyon, and Walker Ridge, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Cornelius, S., Relationship between geothermal and geopressure gradients in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Garden Banks, Green Canyon, Keathley Canyon, and Walker Ridge, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Cornelius, S., and Emmet, P., 2019, Depth to the top of overpressure in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Garden Banks, Green Canyon, Keathley Canyon, and Walker Ridge, Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 15-20, 2019.
  • Hasan, M.N., 2019, Structural and stratigraphic history of the deepwater Campeche and Yucatan sub-basins, Southern Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Kenning, J., 2019, Tectonic influence on the distribution of shale-rich, mass-transport deposits: Implications for hydrocarbon trapping, sealing, and migration in the Mexico Ridges fold belt, AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop (GTW): Unlocking Mexico’s offshore potential, Mexico City, Mexico, Mar. 6-7, 2019.
  • Kenning, J., 2019, Tectonic, structural, and stratigraphic controls on hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Mexican Ridges deepwater fold-belt, western Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Kenning, J., 2019, Tectonic, structural, and stratigraphic controls on hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Mexican Ridges deepwater fold belt, western Gulf of Mexico, Geological Society of London Conference on Petroleum Geology of Mexico and the Northern Caribbean, May 14-16, 2019.
  • Kenning, J., 2019, Tectonic, depositional, and morphological controls of shale-rich Mass Transport Deposits (MTDs) on the structural development of the overlying Mexican Ridges fold-thrust belt, Western Gulf of Mexico, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 5-6, 2019.
  • Kenning, J., 2019, Structural and stratigraphic controls on Mesozoic source rock maturity and hydrocarbon play prospectivity of the deepwater Yucatan and Campeche margins, southern Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Kenning, J., and Mann, P., 2019, Controls of Cenozoic mass transport deposits on hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Mexican Ridges fold-belt, western Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, May 19-22, 2019.
  • Kouassi, M.N., 2019, Velocity model building to improve subsalt imaging of 2D seismic data in GOM deepwater, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 5-6, 2019.
  • Kouassi, M.N., 2019, Velocity model building to improve subsalt imaging of 2D seismic data in the Green Canyon and Walker Ridge areas, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Liu, M., 2019, Crustal architecture of the Late Jurassic, short ridge-long-fracture-zone spreading center and its flanking oceanic crust in the western Gulf of Mexico, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Liu, M., 2019, Crustal structure of Mesozoic rifting in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico from integration of seismic and potential fields data, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 5-6, 2019.
  • Liu, M., Bird, D., and Mann, P., 2019, Crustal architecture of Late Jurassic, oceanic and adjacent, thinned continental crust in the circum-Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Liu, M., Bird, D., and Mann, P., 2019, Geophysical framework of the extinct Jurassic spreading center in the Gulf of Mexico: an integration of marine seismic reflection, refraction, and gravity data, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Mann, P., and Kenning, J., 2019, Restoring the conjugate margins of the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for expansion of pre- and syn-rift play fairways, AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop (GTW): Unlocking Mexico’s offshore potential, Mexico City, Mexico, Mar. 6-7, 2019.
  • Mann, P., Kenning, J., and Liu, M., 2019, Restoring the conjugate margins of the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for pre-, syn-, and post-rift exploration fairways, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Mann, P., Sanchez, J., Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., Torrado, L., and Ott, B., 2019, Cretaceous to recent tectonic history and controls on hydrocarbons in the western Caribbean Sea, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Mann, P., Steier, A., and Lin, P., 2019, Restoring the Late Jurassic conjugate margins of the Gulf of Mexico: Recent progress and remaining problems, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, May 19-22, 2019.
  • Miller, B., 2019, Main tectonic phases in back-arc extension of the northern Lesser Antilles Arc, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Miller, J., 2019, Cenozoic opening history of the Grenada and Tobago basins of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Miller, J., and Mann, P., 2019, Did the Grenada and Tobago Basins originate as a single forearc basin that was sub-divided by the intrusion of the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc?, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Montes, C., 2019, Determining the amount of left-lateral displacement along the Santa Marta-Bucaramanga fault, Colombia, HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America: South & Central Petroleum Plays for the Third Millennium, Houston, Texas, Nov. 19-20, 2019.
  • Montes, C., 2019, Strike-slip offset of the Santa Marta-Bucaramanga Fault Zone, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Moore, B., 2019, Detailed mapping of central Atlantic fracture zones and continent-ocean boundaries using satellite-derived marine gravity data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Moore, B., 2019, Mapping the continent-ocean boundary along the Gulf of Mexico and circum-Atlantic conjugate margins using marine satellite gravity data, HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America: South & Central Petroleum Plays for the Third Millennium, Houston, Texas, Nov. 19-20, 2019.
  • Moore, B., 2019, Structural constraints on oceanic core complex formation from quantitative structural restorations of Atlantic and Caribbean examples, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Moore, B., and Mann, P., 2019, Insights on oceanic core complex formation derived from quantitative structural restorations of examples from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Pascali, A., 2019, A search for controls on the distribution of natural, submarine oil seeps in the minibasin provinces, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Romito, S., 2019, Caribbean basement terranes: boundaries, sedimentary thickness, subsidence histories, and regional controls on hydrocarbon source rocks, oil seeps, and shows, HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America: South & Central Petroleum Plays for the Third Millennium, Houston, Texas, Nov. 19-20, 2019.
  • Romito, S., 2019, Caribbean basement terranes: sedimentary thickness, regional controls on hydrocarbon source rocks, oil seeps, and shows, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 5-6, 2019.
  • Romito, S., 2019, Cataloguing seven offshore basement terranes of the Caribbean Sea and their linkage history from integration of geophysical datasets, well logs, and dredged seafloor samples, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Romito, S., 2019, Determining basement terrane boundaries in the modern Caribbean Plate and their impact on regional hydrocarbon systems, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Romito, S., 2019, Determining basement terrane boundaries in the modern Caribbean Plate and their impact on regional hydrocarbon systems, Geological Society of London Conference on Petroleum Geology of Mexico and the Northern Caribbean, May 14-16, 2019.
  • Romito, S., and Mann, P., 2019, Caribbean basement terranes: Boundaries, sedimentary thickness, and subsidence histories, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Russell, T., 2019, Similarities in asymmetrical, oceanic spreading: Iceland, South Atlantic, NE Gulf of Mexico, and Mariana backarc basin, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Russell, T., 2019, Similarities in asymmetrical, oceanic spreading: Iceland, South Atlantic, NE Gulf of Mexico, and Mariana backarc basin, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Stibbe, E., 2019, Correlation of active faults and ancient terrane boundaries within and around the Caribbean Plate, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Storey, M., 2019, Tectonic setting and structure of the Triassic-Jurassic Apalachicola Rift Basin in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Sun, L, 2019, Tectonic geomorphology and gravity modeling reveal the crustal structure of Hispaniola and impact on its prospectivity, HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America: South & Central Petroleum Plays for the Third Millennium, Houston, Texas, Nov. 19-20, 2019.
  • Sun, L., 2019, Tectonic geomorphology reveals areas of active transpression on the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Sun, L., 2019, Tectonic geomorphology reveals areas of active transpression on the Island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Sun, L., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2019, Integration of tectonic geomorphology and crustal structure across the Bahamas-Hispaniola Collisional Zone, Northeastern Caribbean, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Sun, L., Mann, P., and Sternbach, C., 2019, Emerging trends from 114 giant oil and gas fields discovered from the decade 2008-2017, AAPG Hedberg Conference: The evolution of petroleum systems analysis: Changing of the guard from late mature experts to peak generating staff, Houston, Texas, Mar. 4-6, 2019.
  • Tijerina, G., 2019, Correlation of exhumation peaks from onshore, low-temperature, thermochronological ages in northwest Africa and eastern North America with pulses of rapid, oceanic spreading in the Central Atlantic Ocean, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Zhang, H., 2019, Integration of gravity modeling, sedimentary facies and subsidence analysis to understand the tectonic stages of the Paleozoic to recent Permian Basin, West Texas, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 5-6, 2019.
  • Zhang, H., 2019, Integration of gravity modeling, sedimentary facies and subsidence analysis to understand the tectonic stages of the Paleozoic to recent Permian Basin, West Texas, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Zhang, H., 2019, Integration of subsidence analysis and gravity modeling in the Permian Basin, west Texas, GeoGulf19, Houston, Texas, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
  • Zhang, H., and Mann, P., 2019, Timing of Paleozoic-Cenozoic tectonic events in the Permian Basin, West Texas, from integrated subsidence and structural studies, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, May 19-22, 2019.
  • Zinecker, M., 2019, Crustal structure of the Guinea Plateau, NW Africa, revealed by seismic analysis and 2D forward modeling of gravity data, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
  • Zinecker, M., 2019, Understanding two- phase Gulf of Mexico opening through depositional history, subsidence analysis, and structural reconstructions in the southeast Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2019.
  • Zinecker, M., and Mann, P., 2019, Testing the two-stage Triassic-Jurassic opening model for the Gulf of Mexico from faults bounding shallowly buried rifts in the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, May 19-22, 2019.

2019 publications (7)

  • Lin, P., Bird, D., and Mann, P., 2019, Crustal structure of an extinct, late Jurassic-to-earliest Cretaceous spreading center and its adjacent oceanic crust in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: Marine Geophysical Research, v. 40, p. 395–418.
  • Liu, M., Filina, I., and Mann, P., 2019, Crustal structure of Mesozoic rifting in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico from the integration of seismic and potential fields data, Interpretation, v. 7 n. 4, p. 1-33.
  • Reuber, K. and Mann, P., 2019, Control of Precambrian-to-Paleozoic orogenic trends on along-strike variations in early Cretaceous, continental rifts of the South Atlantic, Interpretation, v. 7, n. 4, p.1-24.
  • Reuber, K., Mann, P., and Pindell, J., 2019, Hotspot origin for asymmetrical, conjugate volcanic margins of the austral South Atlantic Ocean as imaged on deeply-penetrating seismic reflection images, Interpretation, v. 7, n. 4, p.SH71-SH97.
  • Sanchez, J., Mann, P., Carvajal-Arenas, L. C., and Bernal-Olaya, R., 2019, Regional transect across the western Caribbean Sea based on integration of geologic, seismic reflection, and magnetic data, AAPG Bulletin, v. 103, p. 303-343.
  • Steier, A. and Mann, P., 2019, Late Mesozoic gravity sliding and Oxfordian hydrocarbon reservoir potential of the northern Yucatan margin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 103, p. 681-701.
  • Torrado, L., Carvajal-Arenas, L. C., Sanchez, J., Mann, P., and Silva-Tamaya, J. C., 2019, Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic sequence stratigraphic and paleogeographic controls on petroleum system elements of the Nicaraguan platform, western Caribbean Sea, AAPG Bulletin, v. 103, no. 8, p. 1925-1962.

2018 student thesis studies (7)

  • Gomez, S., 2018, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Barbados accretionary prism and surrounding sedimentary basins within the Southeastern Caribbean-South plate boundary zone, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 247 p.
  • Lin, P., 2018, Crustal structure and tectonostratigraphic evolution of the eastern Gulf of Mexico basin, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 154 p.
  • Navas, R., 2018, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Gulf of Venezuela., MS thesis, University of Stavanger, MS thesis, 108 p.
  • Skarstein, G., 2018, Geochemical Characterisation of Oils and Sediments from Cuba and Jamaica; Implications for the Northern Caribbean Petroleum System, MS thesis, University of Stavanger, 129 p.
  • Steier, A., 2018, Jurassic-Cretaceous stratigraphic and structural evolution of the northern Yucatan margin, Gulf of Mexico basin, MS thesis, University of Houston, 91 p.
  • Torrado, L., 2018, Tectono-stratigraphic controls on petroleum system elements in passive margin settings: Studies of the western Nicaraguan Rise and Foz do Amazonas basin, Brazil, PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 264 p.
  • Zavala, O., 2018, Rift history of the South Atlantic Ocean from subsidence histories of offshore wells, and apatite fission track cooling ages from the South American and African conjugate margins, BS thesis, University of Houston, 50 p.

2018 presentations (59)

  • Alam, M.M., 2018, Comparing controls on the formation of 27 passive margin fold-belts from the margins of the Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic and Africa, 17th Annual Africa Conference convened by the Houston Geological Society (HGS) & the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Houston, Texas, Sept. 10-13, 2018.
  • Almatrood, M., 2018, Compilation of radiometric age dates from the Great Arc of the Caribbean: evidence for an in situ or Pacific-derived Caribbean plate?, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Almatrood, M., 2018, Compilation of radiometric age dates from the Great Arc of the Caribbean: evidence for an in situ or Pacific-derived Caribbean plate?, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Almatrood, M., 2018, Compilation of radiometric age dates from the Great Arc of the Caribbean: evidence for an in situ or Pacific-derived Caribbean plate?, UH Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas, Oct. 18, 2018.
  • Alvarez, T., Thomas, A., Mann, P., and Wood, L., 2018, Tectonics and Depositional Systems of Trinidad and Tobago Deepwater Provinces: Petroleum Systems Implications and Prospectivity, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20-23, 2018.
  • Bjelica, N., 2018, Comparison of thickness and geochemistry of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 black shale horizons in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Atlantic passive margins, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2018 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10-14, 2018.
  • Bjelica, N., 2018, Compilation of widespread, Cretaceous OAE1, OAE2, and OAE3 black shale horizons documented in wells from the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Atlantic passive margins, 17th Annual Africa Conference convened by the Houston Geological Society (HGS) & the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Houston, Texas, Sept. 10-13, 2018.
  • Bjelica, N., 2018, Compilation of widespread, Cretaceous OAE2 black shale horizons documented in wells from the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Atlantic passive margins, UH Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas, Oct. 18, 2018.
  • Bjelica, N., 2018, Paleogeographic controls on thickness and organic content of Cretaceous OAE2 black shale horizons documented in wells from the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Atlantic passive margins, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2018, Extracting fault and regional salt flow information from a high-resolution, bathymetric map of the slope and abyssal plain of the US Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2018, Extracting fault and regional salt flow information from a high-resolution, bathymetric map of the shelf, slope and abyssal plain of the US Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, Shreveport, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2018.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2018, Rise and fall of Oligocene to recent salt walls in the Corsair normal fault zone from 2D structural restorations, northwestern Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2018, Structural modeling and kinematic restoration of Corsair normal fault trend, northwest Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, Shreveport, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2018.
  • Cedeño, A., 2018, Barbados petroleum and a poorly-understood petroleum system at the leading edge of the Caribbean plate, Norwegian Petroleum Society Petroleum Systems Conference, Stavanger, Norway, May 29-30, 2018.
  • Cedeño, A., Ohm, S., and Escalona, A., 2018, Barbados petroleum and its role in understanding source rock distribution in the southern Caribbean region, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology of Middle America, Siguenza, Spain, July 2-5, 2018.
  • Kenning, J., 2018, Role of Eocene-Oligocene mass transport deposits for controlling along-strike variations in thickness, structural geometry, and hydrocarbon sealing, Mexican ridges fold-thrust belt, western Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Kenning, J., 2018, Role of Eocene-Oligocene mass transport deposits for controlling along-strike variations in thickness, structural geometry, and hydrocarbon sealing, in the Mexican Ridges fold-thrust belt, western Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, Shreveport, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2018.
  • Kenning, J., 2018, Seismic characterization and quantitative structural analysis of shale detachments in the Mexican Ridges fold belt, western Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Kenning, J., and Mann, P., 2018, Tectonic Controls on Along-Strike Variations in the Bathymetry, Width, and Structural Style of the Mexican Ridges Deepwater, Fold-Thrust Belt, Western Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20-23, 2018.
  • Kouassi, M.N., 2018, New insights into the assembly and breakup of Pangea from a mega-regional compilation of 8,672 detrital zircon ages from the circum-Gulf of Mexico, Northern South America, and West Africa, 17th Annual Africa Conference convened by the Houston Geological Society (HGS) & the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Houston, Texas, Sept. 10-13, 2018.
  • Kouassi, M.N., 2018, Regional comparison of detrital zircon populations in pre-rift Paleozoic and syn-rift Mesozoic rocks from the Gulf of Mexico to northern South America, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Kouassi, M.N., 2018, Velocity model building to improve subsalt imaging of 2D seismic data in deepwater GOM, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Lin, P., and Mann, P., 2018, Crustal Structure of Jurassic Oceanic Crust and Thinned Continental Crust Separating the Conjugate, Rifted Margins of Eastern Florida and the Yucatan Peninsula, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20-23, 2018.
  • Liu, M., 2018, New potential fields constraints on ridge reorganization of late Jurassic oceanic spreading in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Liu, M., Filina, I., Beutel, E., and Hartley, H., 2018, Two extinct spreading centers in the eastern Gulf of Mexico from integrated geophysical analysis, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2018 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10-14, 2018.
  • Lunn, E., 2018, 3D free-air gravity modeling of the Barreirinhas and Ceara basins, northeastern Brazil, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Mann, P., 2018, Hydrocarbon prospectivity of rifted, conjugate margins of the Gulf of Mexico, Central Atlantic, and South Atlantic, HGS General Luncheon Meeting, April 25, 2018.
  • Mann, P., 2018, Hydrocarbon prospectivity of rifted, conjugate margins of the Gulf of Mexico, Central Atlantic, and South Atlantic, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, Shreveport, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2018.
  • Mann, P., 2018, Tomographic and gravity modeling constraints on active tectonics and tectonic history of the northeastern Caribbean plate margin, 1er Encuentro sobre la Litósfera de la Isla de la Española 2018, Mar. 1-3, 2018.
  • Mann, P., Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., Sanchez, J., and Ott, B., 2018, Crustal structure and evolution of the Nicaraguan Rise from regional gravity, well, and seismic reflection data, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology of Middle America, Siguenza, Spain, July 2-5, 2018.
  • Mann, P., Chen, Y.W., Wu, J., and Suppe, J., 2018, Tomographic Imaging of Lesser Antilles Slab; Significance for Estimating the Age and Amount of Eastward Motion of the Overriding Caribbean Plate, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology of Middle America, Siguenza, Spain, July 2-5, 2018.
  • Mann, P., Gomez, S., and Alvarez, T., 2018, Integrated tectonic evolution of the Aves remnant arc, Lesser Antilles active volcanic arc, Tobago forearc, and Barbados accretionary prism of the southeastern Caribbean, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology of Middle America, Siguenza, Spain, July 2-5, 2018.
  • Mann, P., Steier, A., and Lin, P., 2018, Two-phase Mesozoic opening of the Gulf of Mexico using regional gravity, well, seismic reflection data from both conjugate margins, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology of Middle America, Siguenza, Spain, July 2-5, 2018.
  • Mazuera, F., Escalona, A., and Schmitz, M., 2018, Lithospheric structure of northwestern Venezuela: implications for the understanding of continental margins evolution, EAGE Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-14, 2018.
  • Mazuera, F., Escalona, A., and Schmitz, M., 2018, Lithospheric structure of northwestern Venezuela: implications for the understanding of continental margins evolution, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology of Middle America, Siguenza, Spain, July 2-5, 2018.
  • Navas, R., and Escalona, A., 2018, Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Gulf of Venezuela, EAGE Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-14, 2018.
  • Navas, R., Escalona, A., and Ramirez, R., 2018, Tectonic controls and sedimentary evolution of the Gulf of Venezuela, AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology of Middle America, Siguenza, Spain, July 2-5, 2018.
  • Pascali, A., 2018, A search for controls on the distribution of natural, submarine oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Pascali, A., 2018, A search for controls on the distribution of oil seeps in the minibasin provinces, UH Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas, Oct. 18, 2018.
  • Romito, S., 2018, Determining basement terranes on the Caribbean Plate and their hydrocarbon prospectivity, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Russell, T., 2018, Similarities in asymmetrical, oceanic spreading: Iceland, South Atlantic, NE Gulf of Mexico, and Marianas backarc basin, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Russell, T., 2018, Similarities in asymmetrical, oceanic spreading: Iceland, South Atlantic, NE Gulf of Mexico, and Marianas backarc basin, UH Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas, Oct. 18, 2018.
  • Skarstein, G., 2018, Petroleum system of the northern Caribbean, Norwegian Petroleum Society Petroleum Systems Conference, Stavanger, Norway, May 29-30, 2018.
  • Steier, A., 2018, Jurassic-Cretaceous stratigraphic and structural evolution of the northern Yucatan margin, Gulf of Mexico basin, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Steier, A., and Mann, P., 2018, Coeval Structural Evolution of Late Mesozoic Gravity Slides on the Northern Yucatan and Northeast Gulf of Mexico Conjugate Margins with Implications for Late Jurassic Reservoir Distribution, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20-23, 2018.
  • Stibbe, E., 2018, Community fault map for the Caribbean plate, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Tijerina, G., 2018, Constraints on central Atlantic rifting based on a compilation of low-temperature thermochronology ages from rifted, conjugate margins of the east coast of the USA and northwestern Africa, 17th Annual Africa Conference convened by the Houston Geological Society (HGS) & the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Houston, Texas, Sept. 10-13, 2018.
  • Tijerina, G., 2018, Distinguishing exhumation mechanisms on the conjugate, rifted margins of eastern North America and northwestern Africa, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Torrado, L., 2018, Seismic characterization of the Late Cretaceous deep-water fan system in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, Northern Brazil: an analog for Late Cretaceous fan plays on Equatorial Atlantic passive margins, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Zavala, O., 2018, Comparison of spreading rate variations in the south Atlantic ocean with subsidence histories of offshore wells and apatite fission track cooling ages from the South American and African conjugate margins, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Zavala, O., 2018, Comparison of multi-stage cooling histories on conjugate rift margins of the South Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, Shreveport, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2018.
  • Zavala, O., 2018, Rift history of the South Atlantic Ocean from subsidence histories of offshore wells and low-temperature thermochronology (AFT) cooling ages from the South American and west African conjugate margins, 17th Annual Africa Conference convened by the Houston Geological Society (HGS) & the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Houston, Texas, Sept. 10-13, 2018.
  • Zhang, H., 2018, Using regional subsidence analysis to dene ve, Late Precambrian to Eocene structural-tectonic phases in the Permian Basin, west Texas, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Zinecker, M.P., 2018, Evidence from structural reconstruction and subsidence for two phases of Triassic-Jurassic rifting in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 27, 2018.
  • Zinecker, M.P., 2018, Plate tectonic framework for petroleum systems of Atlantic conjugate margins: Northwest Africa-Eastern USA and Northeast South America-Equatorial West Africa, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 12, 2018.
  • Zinecker, M.P., 2018, Plate tectonic framework for petroleum systems of Atlantic conjugate margins: northwest Africa-Eastern USA and northeast South America-Equatorial West Africa, 17th Annual Africa Conference convened by the Houston Geological Society (HGS) & the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Houston, Texas, Sept. 10-13, 2018.
  • Zinecker, M.P., and Mann, P., 2018, Mega-regional scale, risk analysis for hydrocarbon prospecting on passive, conjugate margins of the circum-Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, Shreveport, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2018.
  • Zinecker, M.P., and Mann, P., 2018, Two successive phases of Triassic-Jurassic Gulf of Mexico rifting recorded in the subsidence history of the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, Shreveport, Louisiana, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2018.
  • Zinecker, M.P., Serrano-Suarez, B., and Mann, P., 2018, Mesozoic Tectonostratigraphic of the Guinea Plateau, West Africa, Records Successive Rift Phases of the Central and Equatorial Atlantic, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20-23, 2018.

2018 publications (6)

  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C. and Mann, P., 2018, Western Caribbean intraplate deformation, 2: Defining a continuous and active microplate boundary along the San Andres rift and Hess escarpment, Colombian Caribbean Sea, AAPG Bulletin, v. 102, n. 8, p. 1523-1563.
  • Cornelius, S. and Emmet, P.A., 2018, Volume fractions of lithologic units deposited per geologic epoch in the Cenozoic, Keathley Canyon and Walker Ridge, deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Part 1 - Sand, Shale, and Siltstone, GCAGS Journal, v. 7, p. 121-150.
  • Cornelius, S. and Emmet, P.A., 2018, Volume fractions of lithologic units deposited per geologic epoch in the Cenozoic, Keathley Canyon and Walker Ridge, deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Part 2 - Limestone and marl, GCAGS Journal, v. 7, p. 151-166.
  • Cornelius, S. and Castagna, J.P., 2018, Variation in salt-body interval velocities in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Keathley Canyon and Walker Ridge area, Interpretation, v. 6, n. 1, p. T15-T27.
  • Gomez, S., Bird, D., and Mann, P., 2018, Deep crustal structure and tectonic origin of the Tobago-Barbados ridge, Interpretation, v. 6, n. 2, p. T471-T484.
  • Wang, J., Mann, P., and Stewart, R., 2018, Late Holocene structural style and seismicity of highly transpressional faults in southern Haiti, Tectonics, v. 37, no. 10, p. 3834-3852.

2017 student thesis studies (10)

  • Ajala R., 2017, Gravity-based study of flexure and crustal structure at the Niger and Mississippi deltas: BS senior honors thesis, University of Houston, 37 p.
  • Blanco, J.M., 2017, Integrated, basin-to-reservoir scale, geologic and geophysical studies of a carbonate-hosted, hydrocarbon reservoir of the La Vela basin, northwestern Venezuela: PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 180 p.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2017, Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Nicaraguan Rise and Colombia basin, Western Caribbean Sea: PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 387 p.
  • Cedeño, A.F., 2017, Geochemical analysis of oils from Barbados and basin modeling of Paleozoic units in the southern Llanos basin, Colombia: MS thesis, University of Stavanger, 137 p.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., 2017, Effect of the changing strike of the step-up fault marking the continent-ocean boundary on the structure of the overlying foldbelts in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico: BS senior honors thesis, University of Houston, 41 p.
  • Loureiro, P., 2017, Early Cretaceous tectonostratigraphic evolution of rift and sag basins of the Campos and Santos basins, southeastern Brazil, using potential fields, seismic reflection, and well data: PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 179 p.
  • Kouassi, M., 2017, Paleozoic and Mesozoic evolution of the central Pangea region prior to the opening of the Gulf of Mexico: Evidence from compilation of U-Pb detrital zircons ages: BS senior report, University of Houston, 48 p.
  • Reuber, K., 2017, Crustal structure and Mesozoic tectonic evolution of conjugate volcanic passive margins of the south-central and South Atlantic Oceans: PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 207 p.
  • Watson, L., 2017, Spatial-based assessment at continental to global scale case studies in petroleum exploration and ecosystem services: PhD dissertation, University of Utrecht, 197 p.
  • Zhang, L., 2017, Tithonian to recent, post-rift cooling and subsidence history of the southeastern margin of Brazil and correlation to Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic phases of the Andean orogeny: BS senior honors thesis, University of Houston, 46 p.

2017 presentations (62)

  • Ajala, R., 2017, Gravity-based study of flexure and crustal structure at the Niger and Mississippi deltas, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., and Wood, L., 2017, Lithospheric flexure at the southeastern Caribbean transitional tectonic margin: Implications for source rock burial and maturity, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, May 22-24, 2017.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2017, Stratigraphic and structural mapping of a regional 2D seismic grid and modeling of petroleum systems, Port Isabel Foldbelt, northwestern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Leadership Days, Houston, Texas, Nov. 18, 2017.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2017, Subsurface structural mapping and petroleum systems modeling of the Port Isabel passive margin foldbelt, Northwest Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2017, Subsurface structure, stratigraphy and petroleum systems of the Port Isabel passive margin foldbelt, northwest Gulf of Mexico, Industry-Rice Earth Science Symposium (IRESS), Houston, Texas, Feb. 23-24, 2017.
  • Bugti, M.N., and Mann, P., 2017, Effects of convergent, radial-gliding "corner" geometry on petroleum charge, Port Isabel passive-margin foldbelt, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 2-5, 2017.
  • Bugti, M.N., and Mann, P., 2017, Stratigraphic and structural mapping of a regional 2D seismic grid and modeling of petroleum systems, Port Isabel Foldbelt, northwestern Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Carr, P., 2017, Mapping the distribution and thickness of OAE1 and OAE2 source rock intervals on Cretaceous passive plate margins of the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, Industry-Rice Earth Science Symposium (IRESS), Houston, Texas, Feb. 23-24, 2017.
  • Carr, P., 2017, Stratigraphic thickness, total organic carbon values, and source rock types produced by oceanic anoxic events on Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico passive margins, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Carr, P., and Mann, P., 2017, Compilation of stratigraphic thickness, total organic carbon values, and source rock types produced by Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAE) 1A, 1B, and 2 on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico conjugate margins, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2017, A revised flexural model for the foreland Llanos basin of Colombia: indication of an earlier Andean uplift and its hydrocarbon implications, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Cedeño, A.F., 2017, Hydrocarbon potential evaluation of the southern Llanos basin and the western margin of the Barbados accretionary prism, Caribbean region, 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, June 12-15, 2017.
  • Copley, M., 2017, Active microplate boundaries associated with the southward, offshore extension of the East African Rift System and the distribution of offshore hydrocarbon discoveries in East Africa, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 18-19, 2017.
  • Gomez, S., 2017, Seismic characterization of Neogene Mass Transport Deposits, Barbados basin, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 27, 2017.
  • Gomez, S., 2017, Tectonic origin of the Tobago-Barbados ridge and Tobago forearc basin based on integration of gravity models and seismic reflection data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Gomez, S., and Mann, P., 2017, Three structural trends within the Barbados Accretionary Prism and their tectonic significance, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, May 22-24, 2017.
  • Kenning, J., and Mann, P., 2017, Basinal and hydrocarbon framework of the Mexican Ridges structural province, Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Leadership Days, Houston, Texas, Nov. 18, 2017.
  • Kenning, J., and Mann, P., 2017, Cretaceous to recent asymmetrical subsidence of South American and west African conjugate margins, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 11-15, 2017.
  • Kouassi, M., 2017, Regional comparison of detrital zircon populations in pre-rift Paleozoic and syn-rift Mesozoic rocks from the Gulf of Mexico to northern South America, AAPG Leadership Days, Houston, Texas, Nov. 18, 2017.
  • Kouassi, M., 2017, Regional comparison of detrital zircon populations in pre-rift Paleozoic and syn-rift Mesozoic rocks from the Gulf of Mexico to northern South America, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., and Mann, P., 2017, Detailed mapping of the junction of the late Jurassic “step-up” continent-ocean boundary of the northern US GOM with the continent-ocean transform along the east coast of Mexico, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Mar. 13-14, 2017.
  • Lin, P., 2017, Basement and crustal structure of Jurassic oceanic crust in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Lin, P., and Mann, P., 2017, Comparison of regional, total tectonic subsidence variations in the eastern Gulf of Mexico produced during two-stage, Mesozoic basin opening, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Lin, P., Bird, D., and Mann, P., 2017, Jurassic oceanic crustal structure, eastern Gulf of Mexico, Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES)-Houston Petroleum Club July Luncheon, Houston, Texas, July 20, 2017.
  • Lunn, E., 2017, 3-D gravity modeling of the crustal structure, extent of the Romanche Fracture Zone, and continent-ocean transition zone underlying the Barreirinhas and Ceara basins, offshore northeastern Brazil, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Lunn, E., 2017, Gravity modeling and seismic reflection study of the Barreirinhas and Ceara basins of northern equatorial Brazil, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Mann, P., 2017, Asymmetrical vs. symmetrical rifting of the Central and South Atlantic Oceans: Implications for petroleum exploration of their conjugate margins, Industry-Rice Earth Science Symposium (IRESS), Houston, Texas, Feb. 23-24, 2017.
  • Mann, P., 2017, Conjugate margin studies by the CBTH consortium at the University of Houston, AAPG Leadership Days, Houston, Texas, Nov. 18, 2017.
  • Mann, P., 2017, Grouping regional source rocks from the Gulf of Mexico and circum-Atlantic passive margins according to their tectonic phases, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Mann, P., 2017, Petroleum geology of the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and circum-Atlantic margins, AAPG Workshop - Deepwater and Shelf Reservoirs: Big data, new knowledge, and analytics for enhanced results, Houston, Texas, Jan. 24, 2017.
  • Mann, P., and Alvarez, T., 2017, Recent developments in understanding the regional tectonics and petroleum geology of the Trinidad area: one-day, pre-meeting short course, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, May 22-24, 2017.
  • Mann, P., Batbayar, K., and Hippolyte, J.C., 2017, Changes in Caribbean plate direction inferred from paleostress measurements in the circum-Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico region, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, May 22-24, 2017.
  • Mann, P., Chen, Y.-W., Wu, J., and Suppe, J., 2017, Tomographic imaging of the Lesser Antilles subducted slab and its significance for estimating the age and amount of eastward motion of the overriding Caribbean plate, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 11-15, 2017.
  • Mann, P., Nguyen, L., Kouassi, M., and Almatrood, M., 2017, Early Paleozoic to recent plate animation of Gulf of Mexico evolution as a framework for understanding its diverse hydrocarbon resources, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 2-5, 2017.
  • Martinez, S., 2017, Active tectonics within Puerto Rico: Identifying areas of active uplift using regional geomorphic indices, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Mar. 13-14, 2017.
  • Nguyen, L.C., and Mann, P., 2017, Two-phase, full-fit, Triassic-Mesozoic reconstruction of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, its continental margins and twin salt basins, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 2-5, 2017.
  • Pascali, A., 2017, A search for controls on the distribution of natural, submarine oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Pascali, A., Bugti, N., and Mann, P., 2017, A search for controls on the distribution of natural, submarine oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 11-15, 2017.
  • Reuber, K., 2017, Crustal structure and rift to passive margin tectonic evolution of conjugate volcanic passive margins of the South Atlantic compared to rift zones worldwide, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Reuber, K., Mann, P., and Pindell, J., 2017, Asymmetrical conjugate margins of the South Atlantic: Effects of variable basement architecture and magmatic additions on the continental rifting process and petroleum systems, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 2-5, 2017.
  • Reuber, K., Pindell, J., and Horn, B. 2017, Evidence for early opening transpression in the Equatorial Atlantic, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, May 22-24, 2017.
  • Saunders, M., Geiger, L., Steier, A., and Lin, P., 2017, Mapping the Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone along the Northern Margin of the Yucatan Peninsula, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 2-5, 2017.
  • Serrano-Suarez, 2017, 2D seismic characterization of the Mesozoic carbonate platform, offshore Guinea-Bissau, Senegal basin, NW Africa: Tectonic implications, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Serrano-Suarez, B., 2017, Size delineation and possible origins of a regional, Late Cretaceous unconformity affecting the Mesozoic passive margin of northwest Africa, Industry-Rice Earth Science Symposium (IRESS), Houston, Texas, Feb. 23-24, 2017.
  • Serrano-Suarez, B., and Mann, P., 2018, Major subsurface stratigraphic units of the southern Senegal Basin, northwest Africa, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Steier, A., 2017, Correlating high-quality, Upper Jurassic Eolian sandstone reservoir units between the northeastern U.S. Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Gulf of Mexico along the Northern Yucatan Margin using regional grids of seismic reflection data, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Steier, A., 2017, Late Jurassic stratigraphic and structural evolution of the northern Yucatan Margin, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Steier, A., 2017, Salt-assisted gravity sliding and its implications for Late Jurassic reservoir distribution along the northern Yucatan Margin, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 27, 2017.
  • Steier, A., and Mann, P., 2017, Extensive gravity sliding of late Jurassic-Cretaceous age along the northern Yucatan margin of the Gulf of Mexico, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 11-15, 2017.
  • Stibbe., E., 2017, Distinguishing upper plate vs. lower plate and volcanic vs. non-volcanic conjugate margins of the Central, Equatorial, and South Atlantic Oceans, Industry-Rice Earth Science Symposium (IRESS), Houston, Texas, Feb. 23-24, 2017.
  • Stibbe, E., 2017, Using subsidence analysis to test whether the eastern USA and northwestern Africa conjugate margins are upper plate and lower plate rifted margins, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Stibbe, E., and Mann, P.,2017, Using Subsidence Analysis to Test whether the Eastern USA and Northwestern Africa Conjugate Margins are Upper Plate and Lower Plate Rifted Margins, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Torrado, L., 2017, Paleogene mega-mass transport complexes in the deep-water Foz do Amazonas basin, northern Brazil: implications for future hydrocarbon exploration, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Torrado, L., 2017, Seismic characterization of the Late Cretaceous deep-water fan system in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, northern Brazil: An analog for Late Cretaceous fan plays on Atlantic passive margins, AAPG Leadership Days, Houston, Texas, Nov. 18, 2017.
  • Torrado, L., 2017, Seismic Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous submarine fan system in the deepwater Foz do Amazonas Basin, Northern Brazil: An analog for Upper Cretaceous fan plays on Atlantic passive margins, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Torrado, L., and Mann, P., 2017, Similarities and differences between the Late Cretaceous fan complex and the overlying Neogene Amazon cone in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, Northern Brazil - Implications for future hydrocarbon exploration, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 2-5, 2017.
  • Zavala, O., 2017, Comparison of burial histories, subsidence rates, and tectonic events on the Jurassic-Recent Demerara-Guinea conjugate margins, equatorial Atlantic, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.
  • Zavala, O., 2017, Comparison of subsidence rates for conjugate margins for the equatorial and northern South Atlantic Ocean as a first-order constraint on symmetry of underlying, early rift structures, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 11-15, 2017.
  • Zavala, O., 2017, Comparison of tectonic and subsidence events of the Demerara (South American) and Guinea (West African) rifted conjugate margins, Industry-Rice Earth Science Symposium (IRESS), Houston, Texas, Feb. 23-24, 2017.
  • Zavala, O., and Mann, P., 2017, Comparison of tectonic and subsidence events of the Demerara (South American) and Guinea (West African) rifted conjugate margins, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 1-3, 2017.
  • Zavala, O., and Mann, P., 2017, Using burial plots to define the northern extent of Aptian-Albian Equatorial Atlantic rifting for the northeast South America-west-central Africa conjugate margin, EAS-HGS Annual Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 27, 2017.
  • Zhang, L., 2017, Aptian to recent, post-rift cooling and subsidence history of the southeastern margin of Brazil and correlation to Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic phases of the Andean orogeny, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, April 28, 2017.

2017 publications (1)

  • Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Lara, M.E., Nana Yobo, L., Erdall, Y.D., Sanchez, J., and Zapata-Ramirez, P.A., 2017, Tectonic and environmental factors controlling on the evolution of Oligo-Miocene shallow marine carbonate factories along a tropical SE Circum-Caribbean: Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 78, p. 213-237.

2016 student thesis studies (3)

  • Ahmed, M., 2016, Tectonostraphic evolution of the Barbados Accretionary prism and the Tobago basin using MCG data: MSc thesis, University of Stavanger.
  • Dieset, J., 2016, Eocene reservoir rocks from Jamaica: A provenance study: BS thesis, University of Stavanger, 48 p.
  • Rodriguez-Milano, L., 2016, Crustal structure and geologic history of the Espino Rift, Venezuela, based on integration of potential fields, seismic reflection, and well data: MSc thesis, University of Houston, 117 p.

2016 presentations (76)

  • Ajala, R., 2016, Gravity modeling of the flexural response of loading of the Niger and Amazon deltas onto their underlying thinned continental and oceanic crust, 15th Houston Geological Society - Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Conference on African E&P, Houston, Texas, Sept. 12-14, 2016.
  • Ajala, R., 2016, Gravity modeling of the flexural response of loading of the Niger and Amazon deltas onto their underlying thinned continental and oceanic crust, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Ajala, R., 2016, Gravity modeling of the flexural response of loading of the Niger and Amazon deltas onto their underlying thinned continental and oceanic crust, UH Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas, Oct. 13, 2016.
  • Ajala, R., 2016, Predicted versus observed topographic features related to loading of the Niger and Amazon deltas based on gravity and flexural modeling, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Ajala, R., and Mann, P., 2016, Gravity-based model for regional flexure induced by crustal loading by the 14-km-thick Mississippi delta, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Almatrood, M., 2016, Mesozoic to Recent regional controls on subsidence patterns in the Gulf of Mexico basin, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Almatrood, M., and Mann, P., 2016, Mesozoic to Recent, regional tectonic controls on subsidence patterns in the Gulf of Mexico basin, UH Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas, Oct. 13, 2016.
  • Almatrood, M., Mann, P., and Bugti, M.N., 2016, Mesozoic to Recent, regional tectonic controls on subsidence patterns in the Gulf of Mexico basin, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Bernal, R., and Mann, P., 2016, Review of San Jacinto belt and Lower Magdalena Basin, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Bugti, M.N., 2016, Mechanism of salt deformation in Port Isabel fold-thrust belt, northwest Gulf of Mexico, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Bugti, M.N., and Mann, P., 2016, Distinctive styles of salt deformation formed by radial, convergent gliding into the sharp corners of the northeastern and northwestern Gulf of Mexico, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Bugti, M.N., and Mann, P., 2016, What is the limiting factor for hydrocarbon prospects of the Port Isabel Passive Margin Foldbelt, Northwest Gulf of Mexico?, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 18-20, 2016.
  • Byers, C., 2016, Tectonic geomorphology and structure of large normal faults bounding the Cusco Rift Basin within the southern Peruvian Andes, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2016, Insights of seaward-dipping reflectors and its implications for the deposition of Cretaceous rocks in the Western Caribbean Sea, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2016, Integrated basin and play assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Miskito Platform, Verolania Basin and Los Cayos Basin, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 8-9, 2016.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2016, New evidence for intraplate deformation in the Western Caribbean Sea: Gravity, magnetic, earthquake, tomography, and seismic data evidence for an active microplate boundary along the San Andres Rift, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., and Mann, P., 2016, San Andres Rift, Nicaraguan Shelf: A 346-Km-Long, North-South Rift Zone Actively Extending the Interior of the “Stable” Caribbean Plate, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., Torrado, L., and Mann, P., 2016, Integrated basin and play assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Miskito Platform, Verolania Basin and Los Cayos Basin, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
  • Copley, M., 2016, Crustal structure and subsidence history of the East-Africa-Madagascar conjugate margins: Implications for source rock maturity in underexplored offshore basin, 15th Houston Geological Society - Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Conference on African E&P, Houston, Texas, Sept. 12-14, 2016.
  • Copley, M., 2016, Gravity and basin modeling of East Africa-Madagascar conjugate margins: implications for source rock maturity in underexplored offshore basins, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Cornelius, S., and Castagna, J., 2016, Salt interval velocities versus latitude in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Keathley Canyon and Walker Ridge areas, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Cornelius, S., and Emmet, P., 2016, Geological 3D velocity model in Keathley Canyon and Walker Ridge, deepwater Gulf of Mexico, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Cornelius, S., and Emmet, P., 2016, A Geological 3D velocity model in Keathley Canyon and Walker Ridge, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 18-20, 2016.
  • Dowla, N., 2016, Gravity comparison of offshore Florida and the Blake plateau and its West African conjugate margin, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Dowla, N., 2016, Width of the rifted zones of the Northwest Africa-Southeast USA conjugate margins as a constraint on an Africa-North America closed fit reconstruction, 15th Houston Geological Society - Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Conference on African E&P, Houston, Texas, Sept. 12-14, 2016.
  • Dowla, N., Mann, P., Bird, D., 2016, Gravity and Magnetic Investigation of the South-Central Atlantic Margin of the USA (Offshore Florida to South Carolina) and its West African Conjugate Margins (The Gambia to Mauritania), AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
  • Fick, C.A., and Mann, P., 2016, Mexican Ridges passive margin foldbelt of western Gulf of Mexico detached below an extensive Oligocene mass transport complex, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Gomez, S., 2016, Deep structure of the Tobago-Barbados Ridge, Lesser Antilles, inferred from gravity, seismic refraction and reflection data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Gomez, S., and Mann, P., 2016, Structural domains of the Barbados accretionary prism defined by regional grid of 2D seismic lines, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Gomez, S., Alvarez, T., and Mann, P., 2016, Update on the deeper structure of the Trinidad and Barbados area and implications for petroleum exploration, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Gomez, S., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2016, Deep Crustal Structure and Tectonostratigraphy at the Leading Edge of the Caribbean in Basins Offshore Barbados and Tobago: New Insights From 2-D Gravity Modeling and 2-D Seismic Data, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
  • Kouassi, M., 2016, Paleozoic origins and pre-rift locations of continental blocks of the Gulf of Mexico and South America based on a regional compilation of detrital zircons, UH Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas, Oct. 13, 2016.
  • Kouassi, M., 2016, Regional comparison of detrital zircon ages from carboniferous and Jurassic strata from the Gulf of Mexico and northern Colombia, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Kouassi, M., 2016, Regional comparison of detrital zircon populations in pre-rift Paleozoic and syn-rift Mesozoic rocks from the Gulf of Mexico to northern South America, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Kouassi, M., 2016, Testing two models of the evolution of the Caribbean Plate through compilation of Jurassic to recent radiometric age dates and Precambrian to Cretaceous detrital zircon populations, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., 2016, Defining the continent ocean boundary and its structural role in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico from integration of seismic reflection and gravity data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., 2016, Location of the continent-ocean boundary “step-up fault” and its influence on passive margin fold belts of the western Gulf of Mexico, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., and Mann, P., 2016, Delineation of the Mesozoic “step-up fault” at the continent-ocean boundary in the US Gulf of Mexico and its Cenozoic role as a thrust-ramp for passive margin fold-belts, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., and Mann, P., 2016, Improved mapping of the sub-salt, continent-ocean boundary in the US Gulf of Mexico and implications for the structural relief for overlying folds of the passive margin fold-thrust belt, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 18-20, 2016.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., Bugti, M.N., Cornelius, S., and Mann, P., 2016, Documentation of isolated lenses of high velocity, Eocene to Miocene limestone within clastic rocks above and below allochthonous salt bodies, north central Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 18-20, 2016.
  • Leslie, S., 2016, Structural Analysis of the Tayrona Southern Caribbean Deformed Belt, Offshore Guajira Peninsula, Colombia, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Lin, P., 2016, Along-strike, structural-volcanic variations of fossil, late Jurassic, southeastern Gulf of Mexico spreading ridge explained by plate reconstruction of Florida and Yucatan continental blocks, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Lin, P., 2016, Seismic stratigraphy and structure of a Late Jurassic, southeastward propagating zone of rifting and oceanic spreading separating continental crust of Florida and Yucatan (southeastern Gulf of Mexico), UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Lin, P., and Mann, P., 2016, Jurassic, slow-spreading ridge in the southeast Gulf of Mexico and its along-strike, morpho-volcanic expression explained by a two-phase opening model, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Lin, P., and Mann, P., 2016, Kinematics of Jurassic rifting and oceanic spreading between the continental blocks of western Florida and the Yucatan peninsula, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 18-20, 2016.
  • Loureiro, P., 2016, Controls of asymmetrical opening on rift and sag basins of South Atlantic conjugate margins: Insights from gravity transects and mapping using grids of seismic reflection data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Loureiro, P., and Mann, P., 2016, How Well Do Asymmetrical Rift Models for the Conjugate Margins of Brazil and Angola Compare to Deep-Penetration Seismic Reflection Data?, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
  • Lunn, E., 2016, Barreirinhas and Ceara basins of northern equatorial Brazil: upper and lower plate transition theory over the Romanche Fracture Zone - a seismic study to determine structure, stratigraphy, and petroleum potential, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Mann, P., 2016, Asymmetrical vs. symmetrical rifting of the Central and South Atlantic Oceans: Implications for petroleum exploration of their conjugate margins, Industry-Rice Earth Science Symposia (IRESS) 2016, Feb. 25, 2016.
  • Mann, P., 2016, Placing newly acquired seismic reflection data from the Mexican GOM into a tectonic framework, Offshore Technical Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, May 2-5, 2016.
  • Mann, P., 2016, Recent progress in understanding a two-stage opening model for the Gulf of Mexico, HGS Northsiders Luncheon, Houston, Texas, May 18, 2016.
  • Mann, P., 2016, Recent progress in understanding a two-stage opening model for the Gulf of Mexico, New Orleans Geological Society luncheon, New Orleans, Louisiana, Oct. 3, 2016.
  • Mann, P., and Padilla, R., 2016, Geologic and geophysical evidence for a Pacific origin for seawater filling the Callovian Gulf of Mexico evaporite basin, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
  • Mann, P., and Steier, A., 2016, Tweaking Pangea’s breakup: Triassic to present plate tectonic reconstructions integrating recent geologic, geophysical, and hydrocarbon data from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico conjugate margins, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 18-20, 2016.
  • Martindale, Z., Copley, M., and Mann, P., 2016, Active microplate boundaries associated with the southward, offshore extension of the East African Rift System and the distribution of offshore hydrocarbon discoveries in East Africa, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
  • Martinez, S., 2016, Calculation of regional geomorphic indices to constrain the mechanisms of tectonic uplift and active deformation of the island of Puerto Rico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Martinez, S., 2016, Calculation of regional geomorphic indices to constrain the mechanisms of tectonic uplift and active deformation of the island of Puerto Rico, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Martinez, S., 2016, Calculation of regional geomorphic indices to constrain the mechanisms of tectonic uplift and active deformation of the island of Puerto Rico, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Martinez, S., and Mann, P., 2016, Calculation of regional geomorphic indices to constrain the mechanisms of tectonic uplift and active deformation of the island of Puerto Rico, UH Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas, Oct. 13, 2016.
  • Nguyen, L., 2016, Full-fit reconstruction of the East Africa and Antarctica Continental Margins, 15th Houston Geological Society - Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Conference on African E&P, Houston, Texas, Sept. 12-14, 2016.
  • Nguyen, L., and Mann, P., 2016, Full-fit reconstruction of the Gulf of Mexico continental margins, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Oct. 13, 2016.
  • Nguyen, L., and Mann, P., 2016, Mesozoic stretching amounts of the continental margins of the Gulf of Mexico basin derived from 3D gravity inversion and depth to basement mapping, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 18-20, 2016.
  • Reuber, K., 2016, Basement controls on along-strike variability of the volcanic margins of Uruguay and southern Brazil inferred from deep-penetration seismic reflection data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Reuber, K., 2016, South Atlantic Conjugate Margins: The Significance of Pre-Rift Western Gondwanan Orogenic Domains on Syn-rift Infill, 15th Houston Geological Society - Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Conference on African E&P, Houston, Texas, Sept. 12-14, 2016.
  • Sanchez, J., Mann, P., and Bernal-Olaya, R., 2016, Unconventional Resource Potential of Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Onshore Cesar-Rancheria Basin, Northern Colombia, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
  • Serrano-Suárez, B.E., 2016, Seismic facies of three major, Triassic?-recent tectonostratigraphic sequences of the Casamance sub-basin, Senegal basin, offshore Guinea-Bissau, northwest Africa, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Steier, A., 2016, Characterization of the Oxfordian Sandstone of the Northern Yucatan and its Relation to the Norphlet Sandstone of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico through Seismic Mapping, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Steier, A., 2016, Fine Tuning Quantitative, Plate-Tectonic Reconstructions of South Atlantic Conjugate Margins using a GIS Compilation of Geologic and Geophysical Information, 15th Houston Geological Society - Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Conference on African E&P, Houston, Texas, Sept. 12-14, 2016.
  • Steier, A., 2016, Review of pre-rift continental fits and plate kinematic models for the Gulf of Mexico opening, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 12-16, 2016.
  • Steier, A., 2016, Revised plate tectonic reconstructions of early opening and oceanic spreading history of the South Atlantic Ocean, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Oct. 13, 2016.
  • Steier, A., 2016, Revised plate tectonic reconstructions of early opening and oceanic spreading history of the South Atlantic Ocean, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Torrado, L., 2016, Late Cretaceous to recent paleogeography and sequence stratigraphy of the Nicaraguan platform, western Nicaraguan Rise: controls on hydrocarbon sources, reservoirs and seals, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 29, 2016.
  • Torrado, L., 2016, Seismic characterization of Cretaceous to Recent mass transport complexes in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, Northern Brazil: Implications for future hydrocarbon exploration, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.
  • Torrado, L., 2016, Seismic characterization of Early Cretaceous fluvial-deltaic sandstones, Middle to Late Cretaceous turbidites and Late Cretaceous channelized features in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, northern Brazil, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Oct. 13, 2016.
  • Torrado, L., and Mann, P., 2016, Seismic characterization of Early Cretaceous fluvial-deltaic sandstones, Middle to Late Cretaceous turbidites and Late Cretaceous channelized features in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, northern Brazil, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
  • Zhang, L., 2016, Using contrasting well subsidence histories from conjugate margins of Brazil and Angola as a test of symmetrical vs. asymmetrical rifting, upper and lower plate margins, and later basin inversion events, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 7, 2016.

2016 publications (6)

  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., and Wood, L., 2016, Tectono-Stratigraphic Habitat of Hydrocarbons in The Deep-Water Frontier Provinces of Trinidad and Tobago, SPE Trinidad and Tobago Section Energy Resources Conference, SPE-180883-MS.
  • Bingham, L. and Karssenberg, D., 2016, Error propagation in a fuzzy logic spatial multi-criteria evaluation, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, v. 20, n. 8., p. 1552-1578.
  • Kocel, E., Stewart, R., Mann, P., and Chang, L., 2016, Near-surface geophysical investigation of coseismic folding and uplift of the Leogane fan-delta during the 2010 M7 Haiti earthquake, Interpretation, v. 4, n. 1, T49-T61.
  • Leslie, S. and Mann, P., 2016, Giant submarine landslides on the Colombian margin and tsunami risk in the Caribbean Sea, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.449, p. 382-394.
  • Nguyen, L., and Mann, P., 2016, Gravity and magnetic constraints on the Jurassic opening of the oceanic Gulf of Mexico and the location and tectonic history of the Western Main transform fault along the eastern continental margin of Mexico, Interpretation, v. 4, n. 1, p. SC23-SC33.
  • Reuber, K., Pindell, J., and Horn, B.W., 2016, Demerara Rise, offshore Suriname: Magma-rich segment of the Central Atlantic Ocean, and conjugate to the Bahamas hot spot, Interpretation, v. 4, n. 2, p.T31-T45.

2015 student thesis studies (5)

  • Mejia-Hernandez, M.C., 2015, Sequence of folding and thrusting of the Piedemonte oil and gas filed, eastern foothills of the Colombian Cordillera Oriental: constraints from integration of balanced cross sections and thermal maturation data: MSc thesis, University of Houston, 73 p.
  • Ott, B., 2015 Cretaceous-Cenozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Nicaraguan Rise based on seismic reflection, wells, and potential fields data: PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 262 p.
  • Sanchez, C.J., 2015, Comparison of Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic deformation and basin formation along the northwestern Caribbean plate boundary on the Honduran borderlands-Nicaraguan Rise and southeastern Caribbean plate boundary in Colombia: PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 229 p.
  • Scott, D., 2015, Characterization of the South Gabon Basin passive-margin fold and thrust belt from 2D seismic interpretation: BSc senior honors thesis, University of Houston, 38 p.
  • Tillman, T., 2015, Hydrocarbon potential of the northeastern Caribbean based on integration of sediment thickness and source rock maturity data: MSc thesis, University of Houston, 90 p.

2015 presentations (73)

  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., and Wood, L., 2015, Along-Strike Sediment Transport is an Underappreciated Control on the Pleistocene Sedimentary Record offshore East Coast Trinidad, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., and Wood, L., 2015, Tectonics, Basin Evolution and Sediment Distribution within the Collision to Subduction Transition of the southeastern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone in Offshore Trinidad, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., Wood, L., Vargas, C.A., and Latchman, J., 2015, Transition from Subduction to Strike-Slip in the Southeast Caribbean: Effects on Lithospheric Structures and Overlying Basin Evolution, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Bernal, R., Mann, P., Escalona, A., 2015, Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of the Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia: An Example of an Underfilled to Overfilled Forearc Basin, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Blanco, J.M., 2015, Fault systems deforming Oligocene-Miocene reservoirs of La Vela Bay, Western Venezuela, mapped using 3D seismic data, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Blanco, J.M., 2015, La Vela Bay, offshore Falcon Basin, Western Venezuela: Eastern extension to the La Perla carbonate reservoir trend, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Blanco, J.M., and Mann, P., 2015, La Vela Bay, offshore Falcon basin, western Venezuela: Eastern extension to the La Perla carbonate reservoir trend?, AAPG ACE meeting, Denver, May 31 - June 3, 2015.
  • Blanco, J.M., and Mann, P., 2015, Structure of the La Vela offshore basin, western Venezuela: an obliquely-opening rift basin within the South America-Caribbean strike-slip pate boundary, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2015.
  • Byers, C., and Mann, P., 2015, Tectonic geomorphology of large normal faults bounding the Cusco rift basin within the southern Peruvian Andes, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Byers, C., and Mann, P., 2015, Tectonic geomorphology of large normal faults bounding the Cuzco rift basin within the southern Peruvian Andes, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2015.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2015, Tectonostratigraphy and sedimentary architecture of the Nicaraguan Rise and Colombian Basin, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2015, Western Caribbean Structural Provinces Based on 2D Kinematic Restorations of the Lower Nicaraguan Rise and Colombia Basin, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., and Mann, P., 2015, San Andres Rift, Nicaraguan Shelf: a 346-km-long, north-south rift zone actively extending the interior of the “stable” Caribbean plate, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., and Mann, P., 2015, San Andres Rift, Nicaraguan Shelf: A 346-Km-Long, North-South Rift Zone Actively Extending the Interior of the "Stable" Caribbean Plate, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2015.
  • Castillo, K., and Mann, P., 2015, Cenozoic history of the easternmost Eastern Venezuela foreland basin and Orinoco delta system, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Cheney, A., 2015, Foreland Deformation Related to Precambrian Features of the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Cheney, A., 2015, Impactogen tectonic origin for formation of the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Dailey, S., 2015, Identifying active faults in Jamaica from remote sensing, GPS, earthquake, and seismic reflection data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Dowla, N., 2015, Compilation of the deep crustal structure of the central Atlantic conjugate margins to test pure shear versus simple shear rifting mechanisms, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Dowla, N., 2015, Gravity and magnetic investigation of the Central Atlantic conjugate margins, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 23-24, 2015.
  • Dowla, N., 2015, Northwest Africa and the southeast coast of the USA as asymmetrical conjugate margins, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Escalona, A., and Norton, I., 2015, Quantitative Plate Tectonic and Paleogeographic Reconstructions of the Caribbean Region, 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Madrid, June 1-4, 2015.
  • Gomez, S., 2015, Structural Framework and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Inner Forearc Deformation Belt, Tobago-Forearc Basin- Barbados Accretionary Prism Transition Zone, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Gomez, S., 2015, Structural Framework and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Inner Forearc Deformation Belt, Tobago-Forearc Basin- Barbados Accretionary Prism Transition Zone, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Gomez, S., 2015, Using 2D gravity modeling to characterize the structure and lithologic composition of the Tobago-Barbados Ridge, Lesser Antilles subduction margin, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Gomez, S., Mann, P., Ott, B., 2015, Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Tobago Forearc Basin, Barbados Ridge, and Barbados Accretionary Prism, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., 2015, Influence of basement dip on morphological and structural characteristics of the Perdido-Port Isabel and northern and southern Mexican Ridges, western Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., 2015, Influence of basement dip on morphological and structural characteristics of the Perdido-Port Isabel and northern and southern Mexican Ridges, western Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., 2015, Understanding basement structure from the Perdido to the Mexican Ridges, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Leslie, S., and Mann, P., 2015, Petroleum Systems of the Tayrona-Rancheria Basin, Offshore Guajira Peninsula, Colombia, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Leslie, S., and Mann, P., 2015, Size Constraints on Late Miocene to Pliocene Submarine Slope Failures along the Colombian Caribbean Subduction Margin as a Basis for Assessing Circum-Caribbean Impact of Future Tsunami Events, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2015.
  • Leslie, S., Mann, P., and Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2015, Structure and Petroleum Potential of the South Caribbean Deformed Belt and Tayrona Basin, Offshore Northern Colombia, AAPG ACE meeting, Denver, May 31 - June 3, 2015.
  • Lin, P., 2015, Predicted fault kinematics of Jurassic faults related to the opening of the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Loureiro, P., 2015, Controls of asymmetrical opening on sag basins of South Atlantic conjugate margins: Margin characterization from gravity transects and mapping using grids of seismic reflection data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Loureiro, P., and Mann, P., 2015, Controls of asymmetrical opening on sag basins of South Atlantic conjugate margins: Margin characterization from gravity transects and mapping using grids of seismic reflection data, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Loureiro, P., and Mann, P., 2015, Controls of asymmetrical opening on rift and sag basins of South Atlantic conjugate margins: Insights from gravity transects and mapping using grids of seismic reflection data, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2015.
  • Loureiro, P., and Mann, P., 2015, Re-defining the active fault boundaries and kinematics of the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands microplate, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Loureiro, P., Mann, P., and Saunders, M., 2015, Controls of asymmetrical rifting on giant oil habitats within conjugate, pre-salt carbonate sag basins of Brazil and west Africa, AAPG ACE meeting, Denver, May 31 - June 3, 2015.
  • Loureiro, P., Tillman, T., Mann, P., 2015, Hydrocarbon Potential of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico Based on Combining Depth to Basement and Maturity Information from Previous Wells, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Mann, P., 2015, Areas of Unsolved Problems in Caribbean Active Tectonics, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2015.
  • Mann, P., 2015, Basin framework and modeling studies from the Gulf of Mexico to West Africa, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Oct. 18-23, 2015.
  • Mann, P., 2015, New Insights into the Mesozoic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico Basin from Gravity and Deep-Penetration Seismic Reflection Data, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Mann, P., 2015, Recent progress in understanding a two-stage opening model for the Gulf of Mexico, HGS International Dinner, Houston, Texas, Sept. 9, 2015.
  • Mann, P., 2015, Recent progress in understanding a two-stage opening model for the Gulf of Mexico, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Oct. 18-23, 2015.
  • Mann, P., and Hasan, M., 2015, Recent progress in understanding a two-stage opening model for the Gulf of Mexico and its implication for exploration in the U.S. and Mexican maritime zones, AAPG ACE meeting, Denver, May 31 - June 3, 2015.
  • Mann, P., Dowla, N., and Horn, M., 2015, Trends and predictions for giant oil and gas field discoveries, 2000-2019, AAPG ACE meeting, Denver, May 31 - June 3, 2015.
  • Martindale, Z., 2015, Comparison of rift and passive margins stages of the East Africa-Madagascar conjugate margins and their impact on heat flow and source rock maturation, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Martinez, S., 2015, Effect of sea level change on the extent of the shorelines of the Caribbean up to and during the height of the Last Glacial Maximum (26.5 Ka), University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Martinez, S., 2015, Effect of sea level changes on the land bridges connecting Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin islands during the height of the Last Glacial Maximum, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Mejia-Hernandez, M.C., Mann, P., Mora, A., and Prieto, R.L., 2015, Use of Balanced Structural Sections to Improve Definition of Complexly Deformed Reservoirs in the Eastern Foothills of the Cordillera Oriental, Colombia, AAPG ACE meeting, Denver, May 31 - June 3, 2015.
  • Nguyen, L.C., and Hall, S., 2015, Rigid and non-rigid reconstruction of the East Africa and Antarctica continental margins, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 23-24, 2015.
  • Ott, B., and Mann, P., 2015, Identifying active interplate and intraplate fault zones in the western Caribbean plate from seismic reflection data and the significance of the Pedro Bank fault zone in the tectonic history of the Nicaraguan Rise, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2015.
  • Ott, B., and Mann, P., 2015, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Nicaraguan Rise based on integration of 2D seismic and potential fields data: New constraints on Caribbean Plate history and petroleum exploration, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Ott, B., and Mann, P., 2015, What Lies beneath the Tip of the Iceberg? Late Cretaceous to Recent Tectonic Evolution of Jamaica and the Nicaraguan Rise with Implications for a Widespread Eocene Petroleum System, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Reuber, K., Pindell, J., and Bliss, A., 2015, New seismic data from Demerara Rise; SDRs and regional relations with surrounding terranes, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Rodriguez, L., 2015, Tectonic and geological history of the Espino rift in Central Venezuela, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Rodriguez, L., 2015, Tectonic controls and timing of the inversion of the late Jurassic Espino Rift of central Venezuela, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Sanchez, J., 2015, Tectonic events in the western Maracaibo block: Based on basin analysis of the Cesar-Rancheria Basin, northwestern South America, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Sanchez, J., and Mann, P., 2015, Phases of Cenozoic basin formation and deformation across northwestern South America: Implications for petroleum systems, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 23-24, 2015.
  • Sanchez, J., and Mann, P., 2015, Late Cretaceous-recent tectonic assembly of diverse crustal blocks in Central America, the Nicaraguan Rise, the Colombian Basin and northern South America as seen on a 1600-km-long, geologic and structural transect, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2015.
  • Sanchez, J., Mann, P., Bernal, R., 2015, Cenozoic Structural, Deformational, and Erosional Events Observed Along a 400-km Long, Onshore-to-Offshore Regional Transect Across Northwestern South America, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Scott, D., 2015, Characterization of the South Gabon Basin passive-margin fold and thrust belt from 2D seismic interpretation, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Scott, D., 2015, Characterization of the South Gabon Basin passive-margin fold and thrust belt from 2D seismic interpretation, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, Sept. 20-22, 2015.
  • Scott, D., 2015, Characterization of the South Gabon Basin passive-margin fold and thrust belt from 2D seismic interpretation, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Steier, A., 2015, Evaluation of Previously Published Kinematic Plate Models for the Opening of the South Atlantic Ocean using a GIS Compilation of Geologic and Geophysical Information, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Steier, A., and Mann, P., 2015, Evaluation of Previously Published Kinematic Plate Models for the Opening of the South Atlantic Ocean using a GIS Compilation of Geologic and Geophysical Information, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Tillman, T., and Mann, P., 2015, Hydrocarbon potential of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico based on combining depth to basement and maturity information from previous wells, GSTT Caribbean Geological Conference, Port-of-Spain, May 17-22, 2015.
  • Tillman, T., Mann, P., and Ambrosius, I., 2015, Hydrocarbon Potential of the Northeastern Caribbean Based on Integration of Depth to Basement and Source Rock Maturity Data, AAPG ACE meeting, Denver, May 31 - June 3, 2015.
  • Torrado, L., 2015, 3D seismic facies and attribute analysis for reservoir characterization of a complex fluvial system: case study of the Late Eocene-Oligocene Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Torrado, L., 2015, 3D seismic facies and attribute analysis for reservoir characterization of a complex fluvial system: case study of the Late Eocene-Oligocene Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, Sept. 23-24, 2015.
  • Torrado, L., 2015, Late Cretaceous to Recent Paleogeography and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Nicaraguan Rise tied to Plate Reconstructions, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.
  • Tran, S., 2015, Classifying and comparing shapes of continent-ocean boundaries on the eastern USA and northwest Africa conjugate margins from interpretations of a new global gravity dataset, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas, May 1, 2015.
  • Tran, S., 2015, Do active petroleum systems exist on oceanic crust in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Ocean?, University of Houston - Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 2015.

2015 publications (15)

  • Bartok, P., Mejía-Hernández, M. C., and Hasan, M., 2015, Paleogeographic constraints on Middle to Late Jurassic tectonic reconstruction of the Maya block of southern Mexico and equivalent strata of northwestern South America, in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum Geology and potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 201–216.
  • Bernal-Olaya, R., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2015, Cenozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia: An example of an underfilled to overfilled, forearc basin, in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum geology and potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 345–398.
  • Bernal-Olaya, R., Mann, P., and Vargas, C. A., 2015, Earthquake tomography, seismic reflection, and gravity evidence for a shallowly-dipping subduction zone beneath the Caribbean margin of Colombia, in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum geology and potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 247–270.
  • Bernal-Olaya, R., Sanchez, J., Mann, P., and Murphy, M., 2015, Along-strike crustal thickness variations of the subducting Caribbean plate produces two distinctive styles of thrusting in the offshore South Caribbean deformed belt, Colombia, in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum Geology and Potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 295–322.
  • Blanco, J. M., Mann, P., and Nguyen, L., 2015, Location of the suture zone separating the Great Arc of the Caribbean from continental crust of northwestern South America inferred from regional gravity and magnetic data, in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum geology and potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 161–178.
  • Campos, H. and Mann, P., 2015, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the northern Llanos foreland basin of Colombia and implications for its hydrocarbon potential, in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum geology and potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 517–546.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L. C., Torrado, L., and Mann, P., 2015, Early and Late Eocene/Oligo-Miocene(!) petroleum system in the Nicaraguan Rise: Insight from basin and 3D petroleum system modeling, in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum geology and potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 615–646.
  • Mann, P., 2015, Passive Plate Margin, in Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S., Thiede, J., editors, Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences, Springer Netherlands,
  • Mann, P., 2015, Marine Sedimentary Basins, in Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S., Thiede, J., editors, Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences, Springer Netherlands,
  • Moreno-Lopez, M.C. and Escalona, A., 2015, Precambrian-Pleistocene tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the southern Llanos basin, Colombia, in eds. A. Mora, D. Garcia, M.A. Guzman, and P. Mann, Petroleum Systems of the Eastern Cordillera, Foothill Basins and Associated Llanos Basin, AAPG Bulletin, Aug. 2015, v. 99, n. 8, p. 1473-1502.
  • Ott, B. and Mann, P., 2015, Late Miocene to Recent formation of the Aure-Moresby fold-thrust belt and foreland basin as a consequence of Woodlark microplate rotation, Papua New Guinea, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 16, 1988–2004,
  • Sanchez, J. and Mann, P., 2015, Integrated structure and basin analysis of the Cesar-Rancheria basin, Colombia: Implications for its tectonic history and petroleum systems, in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum geology and potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 431–470.
  • Sanchez, J., Mann, P., and Emmet, P.A., 2015, Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic tectonic transition from collision to transtension, Honduran Borderlands and Nicaraguan Rise, NW Caribbean Plate boundary, in Nemcok, M., Rybar, S., Sinha, S. T., Hermeston, S. A. & Ledvenyiova, L., eds., Transform Margins: Development, Controls and Petroleum Systems, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 431, p. 273-297.
  • Wright, V.D., Hornbach, M.J., Mchugh, C., and Mann, P., 2015, Factors contributing to the 2005-present rapid rise in lake levels, Dominican Republic and Haiti (Hispaniola), Natural Resources, v. 6, n. 8, p. 465-481.
  • Zuluaga, C., Pinilla, A. and Mann, P., 2015, Jurassic silicic volcanism and associated continental-arc basin in northwestern Colombia (southern boundary of the Caribbean plate), in C. Bartolini and P. Mann, eds., Petroleum geology and potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, AAPG Memoir 108, p. 137–160.

2014 student thesis studies (12)

  • Ahmad, S., 2014, Paleogeographic reconstruction of the northern Caribbean region from Late Cretaceous to the Recent: MSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 128 p.
  • Alvarez, T., 2014, The Southeastern Caribbean Subduction to Strike-Slip Transition Zone: A Study of The Effects of Lithospheric Structures and Overlying Clastic Basin Evolution and Fill: PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 270 p.
  • Ask, K., 2014, 3D model reconstruction of sandbox experiment of thrusting with local sedimentation: BSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 42 p.
  • Bernal-Olaya, R. 2014, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Sinu accretionary prism and Lower Magdalena forearc basin formed above a shallow-dipping subduction zone, Caribbean margin of Colombia: PhD dissertation, University of Houston, 237 p.
  • Bjåland, S., 2014, 3D model reconstruction of sandbox experiment of thrusting with local sedimentation: BSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 48 p.
  • Castillo, K., 2014, Stratigraphy, Structure, and Petroleum Potential of the Easternmost Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin: MS thesis, University of Houston, 124 p.
  • Gjestvang, J., 2014, 3D model reconstruction of sandbox experiment of thrusting with local sedimentation: BSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 51 p.
  • Hadland, S., 2014, 3D model reconstruction of sandbox experiment of thrusting with local sedimentation: BSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 47 p.
  • Helland, E., 2014, 3D model reconstruction of sandbox experiment of thrusting with local sedimentation: BSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 58 p.
  • Ismael, M., 2014, Tectonostratigraphic stages in the Mesozoic opening and subsidence of the Gulf of Mexico basin based on deep-penetration seismic reflection data in the salt-free eastern part of the basin: MS thesis, University of Houston, 103 p.
  • Loureiro, P., 2014, Cenozoic basin evolution of the Virgin Islands basin and Anegada Passage, northeastern Caribbean: MS thesis, University of Houston, 79 p.
  • Mata, O., 2014, Cenozoic Structure, Stratigraphy, and Paleogeography of the Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia: MS thesis, University of Houston, 177 p.

2014 presentations (38)

  • Alvarez, T., Wood, L., and Mann, P., 2014, Along-Strike Sediment Transport is an Underappreciated Control on the Pleistocene Sedimentary Record Offshore East Coast Trinidad, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., and Wood, L., 2014, Tectonics, Basin Evolution and Sediment Distribution within the Collision to Subduction Transition of the Southeastern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone in Offshore Trinidad, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Ambrosius, I., and Mann, P., 2014, Areas of active tectonic uplift are sensitive to small changes in fold orientations within a broad zone of left-lateral transpression and shearing, Dominican Republic and Haiti, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Batbayar, K., 2014, Changes in Late Cretaceous-Quaternary Caribbean Plate Motion Directions Inferred from Paleostress Measurements from Striated Fault Planes, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Batbayar, K., Mann, P., and Hippolyte, J.C., 2014, Changes in Late Cretaceous-Quaternary Caribbean Plate Motion Directions Inferred from Paleostress Measurements from Striated Fault Planes, Gulf Coast Section SEPM Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Houston, Texas.
  • Batbayar, K., Mann, P., and Hippoplyte, J.C., 2014, Tectonic Interpretation of Changing Paleostress in the Circum-Caribbean Region, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Bingham, L., and Karssenberg, D., 2014, Error propagation in a fuzzy logic spatial multi-criteria evaluation: Proceedings of the AGILE'2014 International Conference on Geographic Information Science.
  • Blanco, J., 2014, Petroleum prospectivity of the La Vela area north of the inverted Falcon Basin, Venezuela, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Carvajal Arenas, L.C., Crustal configuration and sediment deposition of the southwestern Nicaraguan Rise based on potential fields, seismic interpretation and well correlation, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Castillo, K., 2014, Cenozoic paleogeography of the easternmost part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin based on seismic data and well information, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Castillo, K., Mann, P., and Bartok, P., 2014, Paleogeography of the Cenozoic passive margin of northeastern South America in eastern Venezuela and Trinidad from seismic data and well information, Gulf Coast Section SEPM Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Houston, Texas.
  • Cheney, A., 2014, Regional subsidence and uplift response of the Permian basin of west Texas and New Mexico to the late Paleozoic collision between North and South America, Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 17, 2014.
  • Dowla, N., 2014, Mauritania, northwest Africa, and the southeast coast of the USA as an asymmetrical conjugate margin, Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 17, 2014.
  • Dowla, N., 2014, Quantitative restoration of 1.5 million years of crustal extension in the Gulf of Corinth rift, central Greece, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Gomez, S., 2014, Tectonic Evolution of the Tobago Forearc basin, Barbados Ridge, and Barbados Accretionary Prism, Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 17, 2014.
  • Hasan, M., 2014, Stages of Jurassic Rifting, Magmatism, and Salt Deposition in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Inferred from a Grid of Deep-Penetration Seismic Reflection Data Tied to Wells, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Hasan, M., and Mann, P., 2014, Stages of Jurassic Rifting, Magmatism, and Salt Deposition in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Inferred from a Grid of Deep-Penetration Seismic Reflection Data Tied to Wells, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Kocel, E., Stewart, R., Mann, P., and Chang, L., 2014, Near-surface geophysical investigation of the 2010 Haiti earthquake epicentral area, Haiti, SEG annual meeting, Denver, Colorado.
  • Lankford-Bravo, D., 2014, Controls on structural and morphological characteristics of the Perdido and Mexican Ridges passive margin fold belts, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Leslie, S., Mann, P., and Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2014, Giant mass transport deposits of the Caribbean margin and their tsunamigenic potential, offshore northern Colombia, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Loureiro, P., 2014, Miocene to recent opening direction of the Virgin Islands basin from offshore seismic data, high resolution bathymetry, onland faulting and GPS measurements, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Loureiro, P., and Mann, P., 2014, A newly recognized, 460-km-long and arcuate, right-lateral strike-slip fault traversing Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Loureiro, P., and Saunders, M., 2014, Controls of asymmetrical rifting on giant oil habitats within conjugate, pre-salt carbonate sag basins of Brazil and West Africa, Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 17, 2014.
  • Loureiro, P., Mann, P., Hippolyte, J.C., and Wang, G., 2014, Miocene to recent rift history of the Virgin Islands basin from integration of offshore seismic data, inland, striated fault planes, and GPS results, Gulf Coast Section SEPM Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Houston, Texas.
  • Mejia, C., 2014, Balanced structural cross section and restoration of the Eastern Foothills of the Cordillera Oriental, Colombia, Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 17, 2014.
  • Meijia, C., 2014, Sequential stages of the fold-thrust belt of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia, inferred from a deep exploration well tied to seismic reflection data, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Ott, B., 2014, Late Miocene to Recent microplate rotation as a driver of transpressional deformation in the Aure fold and thrust belt, Papua New Guinea, Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 17, 2014.
  • Ott, B., Mann, P., and Saunders, M., 2014, Island arcs, misplaced continents, and a large igneous province: Challenges for petroleum prospecting in the Western Caribbean, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Ott, B., Mann, P., and Saunders, M., 2014, Role of the offshore Pedro Banks left-lateral strike-slip fault zone in the plate tectonic evolution of the northern Caribbean, Gulf Coast Section SEPM Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Houston, Texas.
  • Ott, B., and Mann, P., 2014, Structural and gravity transects of the Colon Mountains-Nicaraguan Rise orogenic belt of Honduras and Offshore Nicaragua/Jamaica, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Reuber, K., 2014, Are along-strike alternations of symmetrical and non-symmetrical South Atlantic Conjugate Margins controlled by volcanics vs. non-volcanic rifting processes?, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Reuber, K., Mann, P., and Saunders, M., 2014, Are along-strike alternations of symmetrical and Non-symmetrical South Atlantic conjugate margins controlled by volcanic vs. non-volcanic rifting process?, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Sanchez, J., 2014, Structure and basin analysis of the Honduras Borderlands and western Nicaraguan Rise, northwestern Caribbean, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Sanchez, J., 2014, Structure and basin analysis of Honduran borderlands and western Nicaraguan Rise: Evidence of tectonic transition from collision to transtension, northwestern Caribbean plate boundary, Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 17, 2014.
  • Sanchez, J., and Mann, P., 2014, Regional transect across the western Caribbean: Structural styles and plate reconstructions of Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic tectonic events, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Scott, D., 2014, Salt features and structural significance for hydrocarbon prospectivity of passive margin fold and thrust belts in offshore Gabon, Houston Geological Society Robert E. Sheriff Lecture, Houston, Texas, Nov. 17, 2014.
  • Vasquez, R.O., Mann, P., Castagna, J., Davis, J., Leal, M.M., and Lopez, I.R., 2014, Chicontepec basin, Mexico: Main basin stages and importance for hydrocarbons, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Wang, J., Mann, P., and von Lignau, A., 2014, Definition and paleoseismology of the active, left-lateral Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone based on high-resolution Chirp profiles: Lakes Azuey and Mirogoane, Haiti, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.

2014 publications (3)

  • Kocel, E., Stewart, R., Mann, P., Chang, L., Wang, J., 2014, Searching for blind faults: The Haiti subsurface imaging project, The Leading Edge, v. 33, no. 12, p. 1372-1377,
  • Torrado, L., P. Mann, J. Bhattacharya, 2014, Application of seismic attributes and spectral decomposition for reservoir characterization of a complex fluvial system: Case study of the Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin, Colombia, Geophysics, v. 79, n. 5, p. 1-10.
  • Xie, X. and P. Mann, 2014, U–Pb detrital zircon age patterns of Cenozoic clastic sedimentary rocks in Trinidad and its implications, Sedimentary Geology, v. 307, p. 7-16.

2013 student thesis studies (4)

  • Campiño Restrepo, L., 2013, 2D Seismic Interpretation of the Tumaco on-and offshore basin, SW Colombia. Implications for tectono-stratigraphic evolution and hydrocarbon exploration: MSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 119 p.
  • Dale, A., 2013, Crustal type, tectonic origin, and petroleum potential of the Bahamas carbonate platform: MSc thesis, University of Houston, 84 p.
  • Johansen, E., 2013, Flexural Modeling through time in northern South America: MSc thesis: University of Stavanger, 92 p.
  • Pachon, L., 2013, Stratigraphic and tectonic history of the Putumayo foreland basin, Colombia: MSc thesis, University of Houston, 153 p.

2013 presentations (48)

  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., Wood, L., Vargas, C., Latchman, J., 2013, Transition from Subduction to Strike-Slip in the Southeast Caribbean: Effects on Lithospheric Structures and Overlying Basin Evolution, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Batbayar, K., 2013, Shifts in the Caribbean Plate direction inferred from paleostress measurements from striated fault planes in the circum-Caribbean region, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Batbayar, K., Mann, P., and Hippolyte, J.C., 2013, Shifts in the Caribbean plate direction inferred from paleostress measurements from striated fault planes in the circum-Caribbean region, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
  • Batbayar, K., Mann, P., and Hippolyte, J.C., 2013, Changes in Late Cretaceous-Quaternary Caribbean plate motion directions inferred from paleostress measurements from striated fault planes, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Bernal, R., 2013, Deformation and kinematic evolution of the Colombian Caribbean accretionary prism, northwestern South America, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Bernal, R., 2013, Tectonic configuration and deformation history of the convergent margin between the Caribbean and South American plates, northwestern South America, Colombian Geoscientist Network meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Bernal, R., Mann, P., Vargas, C., and Koulakov, I., 2013, Tomographically-imaged subducted slabs and magmatic history of Caribbean and Pacific subduction beneath Colombia, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Bingham, L., and Karssenberg, D., 2013, Error Propagation of a Fuzzy Logic Multi-criteria Evaluation for Petroleum Exploration, EUROGEO Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Bingham, L., Zurita-Milla, R., Karssenberg, D., and Escalona, A., 2013, GIS-Based Analysis for Petroleum Exploration, ESRI Petroleum User Group, London, England, ESRI.
  • Blanco, J.M., Padrón, C.E., and Contreras, H., 2013, Fracture Identification and Analysis Using Seismic Attributes in Carbonate Reservoirs: Cimarrona Formation, Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Blanco, J.M., Mann, P., and Bartok, P., 2013, Subsurface Structure, Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbons of the Falcon Basin: An Inverted, Hydrocarbon-Bearing Rift Basin in Western Venezuela, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Campiño Restrepo, L., and Escalona, A., 2013, 2D Seismic Interpretation of the Tumaco Basin, SW Colombia. Implications for Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Exploration, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., Mann, P., and Saunders, M., 2013, Petroleum prospectivity of the southwestern Nicaraguan Rise (Colombian Caribbean) based on regional integration of seismic and well data, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., Mann, P., Bissada, K.K., and Saunders, M., 2013, Cenozoic Source Rocks of the Southwestern Nicaraguan Rise, Caribbean Sea: Distribution, Burial History, and Maturation, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Castillo, K., Mann, P., and Bartok, P., 2013, Early History of the Orinoco Delta on the Northeastern Margin of South America, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Dale, A., 2013, Central Atlantic Magmatic Province plume focus and evidence for its relation to the basement of the Bahamas, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Dale, A., Reuber, K., Bird, D., and Mann, P., 2013, Central Atlantic Magmatic Province Plume Focus and Evidence for its Relation to the Basement of the Bahamas, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
  • Dale, A., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2013, Crustal Structure of the Central Atlantic Rifted-Passive Margin from South Carolina to the Southeastern Bahamas: A First Step to Understand its Petroleum Potential, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Dowla, N., and Mann, P., 2013, Did the Gulf of Corinth opening occur on large-offset, low angle normal detachment faults or smaller-offset, steeply dipping normal faults?, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
  • Hasan, M., 2013, New observations on the crustal structure of the US Gulf of Mexico basin based on deep-penetration seismic reflection data, gravity and plate reconstructions, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
  • Hasan, M., 2013, New observations on the crustal structure of the US Gulf of Mexico basin based on deep-penetration seismic reflection data, gravity and plate reconstructions, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Hasan, M., 2013, Stages of Jurassic rifting, magmatism, and salt deposition in the eastern Gulf of Mexico inferred from a grid of deep-penetration seismic reflection data tied to wells, AAPG Student Expo, Houston, Texas.
  • Hasan, M., and Mann, P., 2013, Stages of Mesozoic rifting, magmatism, and salt deposition in the eastern Gulf of Mexico inferred from a grid of deep-penetration seismic reflection data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Johansen, E., Escalona, A., Cardozo, N., and Bingham, L., 2013, 3D Flexural Modeling through time in the northern South America, EAGE Conference, London, England.
  • Kocel, E., Stewart, R., Mann, P., Chang, L., Roy, S., and Hyslop, C., 2013, Searching for the blind faults: Haiti subsurface imaging project, seismic and gravity results, SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Loureiro, P., 2013, Regional tectonic and structural controls on late Miocene collapse of the eastern Nicaraguan Rise carbonate platform, Caribbean Sea, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Mann, P., and Dowla, N., 2013, Worldwide Trends in the Discoveries of Giant Fields from 2006-12 with Predictions on the Locations and Numbers of Future Giants, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Mann, P., and Norton, I., 2013, Combining seismic tomography and crustal plate reconstructions to better understand the origin of the Caribbean and the history of its subduction zones, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Moreno, C., and Escalona, A., 2013, Paleozoic- Recent evolution of the southern Llanos basin, Colombia, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Nguyen, L., 2013, Gravity and petroleum modeling in the Gulf of Mexico, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Nguyen, L., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2013, Gravity and petroleum modeling in Gulf of Mexico, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
  • Nguyen, L., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2013, Gravity and magnetic constraints on location of the Mesozoic transform fault, western Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Student Expo, Houston, Texas.
  • Nguyen, L., Mann, P., and Bird, D., 2013, Location of deeply buried, offshore Mesozoic transform fault along the western margin of the Gulf of Mexico inferred from gravity and magnetic data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Osmond, J., Mann, P., and Pierce, S., 2013, Petroleum Potential of Onland Basins in Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) Based on Integration of Vintage Well and Seismic Reflection Data with Geochemical Data, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Ott, B., 2013, Structure and tectonics of the eastern Nicaraguan Rise, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Ott, B., Mann, P., and Saunders, M., 2013, Crustal Provinces of the Nicaraguan Rise as a Control on Source Rock Distribution and Maturity, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Ott, B., Mann, P., and Saunders, M., 2013, Role of the offshore Pedro Banks left-lateral strike-slip fault zone in the plate tectonic evolution of the northern Caribbean, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Pachon, L.F., 2013, Tectonic and structural evolution of the Putumayo foreland basin, southern Colombia, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Pachon, L.F., Mann, P., and Cardozo, N., 2013, Structural Evolution and Petroleum Potential of Putumayo Foreland Basin, Colombia, from Subsurface Mapping and 3D Flexural Modeling, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Reuber, K., 2013, Continent-ocean boundary and plate tectonic reconstructions of the northern Brazil-West African margins, UH EAS Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Reuber, K., Mann, P., and Saunders, M., 2013, Buried Cretaceous Delta of the Barreirinhas Basin, Offshore Brazil: Potential Source of Structural and Stratigraphic Traps in Deepwater Sandstone?, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Sanchez, J., and Mann, P., 2013, Basin analysis, tectonics and hydrocarbons implications, Cesar-Rancheria basin, northwestern South America, AAPG Student Expo, Houston, Texas.
  • Sanchez, J., and Mann, P., 2013, Basin analysis, tectonics and hydrocarbons implications, Cesar-Rancheria basin, northwestern South America, UH Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House, Houston, Texas.
  • Sanchez, J., and Mann, P., 2013, Effects of Caribbean oceanic plateau shallow subduction on topographic uplift and exhumation of the northwestern Maracaibo block, Colombia, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Sanchez, J., Mann, P., and Emmet, P., 2013, Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic deformation of the North American-Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America and its effects on the origin and migration of hydrocarbons, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Tomlinson, D., Wolfe, Z., Murphy, M., and Mann, P., 2013, Comparison of Thick versus Thin-Skinned Styles of Laramide Thrusting in the Southern Rockies and Sierra Madre Oriental Fold-Thrust Belts, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
  • Torrado, L., Mann, P., and Bhattacharya, J., 2013, Tectonic effects on changing fluvial style in the Late Eocene ‐Oligocene northern Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Torrado, L., Mann, P., and Bhattacharya, J., 2013, Application of Seismic Attributes and Fluvial Geomorphology of the Late Eocene-Oligocene of the Carbonera Formation in the Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia.

2013 publications (5)

  • Escalona, A. and W. Yang, 2013, Impact of low-angle subduction in petroleum systems along the Leeward Antilles island arc emergent gas trend, northern South America: First Break., v. 31, p. 55-65.
  • Escalona, A. and W. Yang, 2013, Subsidence controls on foreland basin development of northwestern offshore Cuba, southeastern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, n. 1, p. 1-25.
  • Koehler, R., Mann, P., Prentice, C., Brown, L., Benford, B., and Grandison-Wiggins, M., 2013, Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone in Jamaica: Paleoseismology and seismic hazard: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 103, no. 2A, p. 971-983, April, 2013,
  • Prentice, C., Mann, P. and Pena, L., 2013, Comment on “Historical perspective on seismic hazard to Hispaniola and the northeast Caribbean region”: Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, v. 118, 1-4,
  • Vargas, C., and Mann, P., 2013, Tearing and Breaking Off of Subducted Slabs as the Result of Collision of the Panama Arc-Indenter with Northwestern South America: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v, 103, n. 3., p. 2025-2046, June, 2013,

2012 student thesis studies (4)

  • Figueira, B., 2012, An examination of the spatial and temporal evolution of a complex transition zone in the Gulf of Paria, Trinidad-Venezuela (Eastern Venezuela Basin/ EVB): MSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 80 p.
  • Moreno, C., 2012, Evolution of the southern Llanos basin, Colombia: MSc thesis, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, 88 p.
  • Torrado, L., 2012, Non-Marine Sequence Stratigraphy and Changing Fluvial Style in the Northern Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia: MSc thesis, University of Houston, Houston.
  • Wolfe, Z., 2012, Stratigraphic Controls on the Structural Evolution of the Sierra Madre Oriental Fold-thrust Belt, Eastern Mexico: MSc thesis, University of Houston, Houston, 74 p.

2012 presentations (22)

  • Alvarez, T., Mann, P., Vargas, C., Wood, L., and Latchman, J., 2012, Systematic Variations in the Age and Thickness of Subducting Crust as a Control on Regional Structure; the Barbados Accretionary Prism, the Island of Trinidad and the Associated Offshore Areas, and Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Long Beach, California.
  • Bernal, R., and Mann, P., 2012, Controls on Migration of Forearc Depocenters, Lower Magdalena basin, Colombia, GSA Penrose Meeting, Lucca, Italy.
  • Bernal, R., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2012, Tectonic Controls on the Spatial and Temporal Migration of Depocenters in Forearc Basins: A Comparison of Modern and Ancient Caribbean Examples, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Long Beach, California.
  • Bernal, R., 2012, Defining the geometry of the subducting Caribbean slab beneath northwestern Colombia and its controls on the overriding Lower Magdalena forearc basins, XI Simposio Bolivariano, “Exploración petrolera en las cuencas subandinas,” Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Bingham, L., Escalona, A., Zurita-Milla, R., 2012, GIS-based Fuzzy Logic Analysis for Petroleum Exploration and Case Study of Northern South America, EAGE Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • Campos, H., and Mann, P., 2012, Tectonic and subsidence history of the Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, XI Simposio Bolivariano, “Exploración petrolera en las cuencas subandinas,” Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Chursina, I., and Escalona, A., 2012, Frontier Exploration in Accretionary Prisms: Sinu belt Colombia, GSA Penrose Meeting, Lucca, Italy.
  • Dowla, N., and Mann, P., 2012, Future Discovery Trends of Oil and Gas Fields, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas.
  • Dowla, N., and Mann, P., 2012, Oil and Gas Field Discovery Trends, University of Houston Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas.
  • Dowla, N., R. Stewart, P. Mann, L. Chang, 2012, Shallow seismic profiling of onland Leogane fan-delta, Haiti, for imaging fan stratigraphy and buried faults associated with the January 12, 2010, earthquake, AGU Annual Conference, San Francisco, California.
  • Figueira, B., and Escalona, A., 2012, Examination of the complex transition zone in the southern Gulf of Paria, Trinidad-Venezuela, EAGE Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Figueira, B., and Escalona, A., 2012, Examination of the spatial and temporal evolution of multiple terranes in the southern Gulf of Paria, GSTT Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Hasan, M., 2012, Assessment of patterns of water sharing of the Tigris-Euphrates drainage basin (Iraq, Turkey, Syria) from 1990 to 2010 with GIS and Remote Sensing, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Mann, P., 2012, Are "uncharacteristic" earthquakes spatially linked to strike-slip restraining bends?, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Mann, P., Yang, W., Escalona, A., 2012, Regional Effects of the Cuban Arc-Continent Collision on Structure, Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbons in the Deepwater, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Long Beach, California.
  • Moreno, C., and Escalona, A., 2012, Inversion History of the Southern Area of the Llanos basin, Colombia, EAGE Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • Ott, B., and Mann, P., 2012, Early origins of the Caribbean Plate from seismic and gravity data across the Nicaraguan Rise, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas.
  • Ott, B., and Mann, P., 2012, Early origins of the Caribbean Plate from deep seismic profiles across the Nicaraguan Rise, AGU Annual Conference, San Francisco, California.
  • Pachon, L.F., and Mann, P., 2012, Hydrocarbon Structural Traps above Inverted, Mesozoic Normal Faults in the Putumayo Foreland Basin, Southern Colombia, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Long Beach, California.
  • Sanchez, C.J., and Mann, P., 2012, Thick-Skinned Style and Timing of Convergent Tectonics in Northwestern South America and Implications for Petroleum Exploration, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Long Beach, California.
  • Sanchez, C.J., and Mann, P., 2012, Sedimentary and structural response of right-lateral transpression associated with oblique convergence along Caribbean-South American plate margin, Northern Colombia, GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Torrado, L., Mann, P., Bhattacharya, J., 2012, Non-marine Sequence Stratigraphy and Changing Fluvial Style in the Northern Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Long Beach, California.

2012 publications (4)

2011 student thesis studies (3)

  • Bingham, L., 2011, GIS-based analysis for petroleum exploration using fuzzy logic multi-criteria evaluation and sensitivity analysis: unpublished MS thesis, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 176 p.
  • Campos, H., 2011, Tectonostratigraphic and subsidence history of the northern Llanos foreland basin of Colombia: unpublished MS thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 105 p.
  • Rodriguez, A., 2011, Regional structure, stratigraphy, and hydrocarbon potential of the Mexican sector of the Gulf of Mexico: unpublished MS thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 177 p.

2011 presentations (24)

  • Alvarez, T., Vargas, C., Mann, P., and Latchman, J., 2011, Subduction-to-strike-slip-transition in the southeastern Caribbean imaged using deeply-penetrating seismic reflection lines and tomography, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia.
  • Alvarez, T., Vargas, C., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Latchman, J., 2011, Subduction-to-Strike-Slip-Transition in the Southeastern Caribbean Imaged Using Deeply-Penetrating Seismic Reflection Lines and Tomography, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Bernal, R., Mann, P., and Vargas, C., 2011, Lower Magdalena basin, Colombia: A forearc basin formed above a zone of active, shallow subduction, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia.
  • Bernal, R., Mann, P., and Vargas, C., 2011, Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia: A Forearc Basin Formed above a Zone of Active, Shallow Subduction, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Bingham, L., and Escalona, A., 2011, Using Regional GIS-Based Suitability Maps in Petroleum Exploration: Case Study of Northern South America, Norwegian Geological Society Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway.
  • Campos, H., Mann, P., and Cardozo, N., 2011, Flexurally-driven subsidence history of the Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia.
  • Campos, H., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Cardozo, N., 2011, Flexurally-driven Subsidence History of the Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Chursina, I., and Escalona, A., 2011, Consideration of accretionary prisms for petroleum exploration, Norwegian winter conference, Stavanger, Norway.
  • Costley, R., Mann, P., Vargas, C., Bingham, L., and Escalona, A., 2011, GIS database for research on active tectonics and basinal studies in Colombia and its offshore Caribbean and Pacific margin, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia.
  • Emmet, P.A., Mann, P., and Roberson, R., 2011, Nicaraguan Rise offshore Honduras: Upper Cretaceous source rock may contribute to a proven Eocene hydrocarbon system at Main Cape-1 in the Mosquitia Basin, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Escalona, A., and Yang, W., 2011, Evaluating petroleum systems along the Leeward Antilles island arc, southern Caribbean, EAGE Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • Escalona, A., and Bingham, L., 2011, Peak oil: An elusive target and the impact of technology and frontier exploration, Norwegian Geological Society Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway.
  • Figueira, B., Escalona, A., Cardozo, N., and Sahoo, M., 2011, Fractures at Galera Point, northeast Trinidad: Origins, significance and impact on reservoir potential, Norwegian Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway.
  • Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2011, Major hydrocarbon plays in the Mexican sector of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and northern South America, SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Mann, P., and Vargas, C., 2011, Role of Panama arc-indentor for late Cenozoic deformation in Colombia and implications for regional distribution of hydrocarbons, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Mann, P., Vargas, C., and Whitehill, C., 2011, Neotectonics of arc-continent collision, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia.
  • Mann, P., Emmet, P., and Roberson, R., 2011, Crustal thinning of the continental borderland bounding the oceanic Cayman trough, Fall AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Moreno, M.C., Escalona, A., and Cardozo, N., 2011, Main structural features of the Southern Llanos basin, Colombia, and their implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Norwegian Geological Society Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway.
  • Prieto, M., Van Avendonk, H., Mann, P., Holdbrook, S., Lizarralde, D., and Denyer, P., 2011, Crustal Thickening, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Potential of the Western Colombia Basin Adjacent to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Prieto, M., Van Avendonk, H., Mann, P., Holbrook, S., Lizarralde, D., and Denyer, P., 2011, Crustal structure and sequence stratigraphy of the western Colombian basin adjacent to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia.
  • Rodriguez, A. B., and P. Mann, 2011, Origin of the Mexican Ridges passive margin foldbelt based on seismic and well integration from the shelf-slope-deep basin and structural restoration, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Vargas, C., Mann, P., and Gomez, C., 2011, The Monterey isotope excursion event in the Colombia basin: Seismic evidence and hydrocarbon implications, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas.
  • Yang, W., and Escalona, A., 2011, Exploration plays in Guyana basin, Northeastern South America, Norwegian Geological Society Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway.
  • Yang, W., and Escalona, A., 2011, Pseudo-3D Modeling on Source Rock Evaluation in the Guyana Basin, Northern South America, EAGE Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria.

2011 publications (18)

  • Aitken, T., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Christeson, G.L., 2011, Evolution of the Grenada and Tobago basins and implications for arc migration, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 235-258.
  • Bingham, L., and Escalona, A., 2011, Creating a unified geologic database: The need for a global standard, First Break, v. 29, p. 41-48.
  • Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2011, Tectonics, basin subsidence mechanisms, and paleogeography of the Caribbean-South American plate boundary zone, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 8-39.
  • Escalona, A., Mann, P., and Jaimes, M., 2011, Miocene to recent Cariaco basin, offshore Venezuela: Structure, tectonosequences, and basin-forming mechanisms, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 177-199.
  • Escalona, A., and Bingham, L., 2011, The value chain and hydrocarbon reserves, in M. Lien, ed., Introduction to Petroleum Geology: Høvik, Norway, Vett and Viten ELS, p. 254-264.
  • Escalona, A., Fjeldskaar, W., and Grunnaleite, I., 2011, Basin modeling across the emergent Lesser Antilles island arc, southeastern Caribbean: Impact on petroleum systems, First Break, v. 29, p. 23-34.
  • Garciacaro, E., Escalona, A., Mann, P., Wood, L., Moscardelli, L., and Sullivan, S., 2011, Structural controls on Quaternary deepwater sedimentation, mud diapirism, and hydrocarbon distribution within the actively evolving Columbus foreland basin, eastern offshore Trinidad, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 149-176.
  • Garciacaro, E., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2011, Regional structure and tectonic history of the obliquely colliding Columbus foreland basin, offshore Trinidad and Venezuela, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 126-148.
  • Hayman, N.W., Grindlay, N.R., Perfit, M.R., Mann, P., Leroy, S., and Mercier de Lepinay, B., 2011, Oceanic core complex development at the ultraslow spreading Mid-Cayman Spreading Center, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 12, no. 3, Q0AG02.
  • Hippolyte, J.-C., and Mann, P., 2011, Neogene–Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Leeward Antilles islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao) from fault kinematic analysis, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 259-277.
  • Hornbach, M.J., Mann, P., Frohlich, C., Ellins, K., and Brown, L., 2011, Assessing geohazards near Kingston, Jamaica: Initial results from chirp profiling, Leading Edge, v. 30, p. 410-413.
  • Kroehler, M., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Christeson, G., 2011, Late Cretaceous-Miocene diachronous onset of backarc thrusting along the South Caribbean deformed belt and its importance for understanding processes of arc collision and crustal growth, Tectonics, v. 30.
  • Mann, P., 2011, Volume dedication Amos Salvador (1923-2007), Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 1-3.
  • Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2011, Introduction to the special issue of Marine and Petroleum Geology: Tectonics, basinal framework, and petroleum systems of eastern Venezuela, the Leeward Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago, and offshore areas, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 4-7.
  • Soto, D., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2011, Miocene-to-recent structure and basinal architecture along the Central Range strike-slip fault zone, eastern offshore Trinidad, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 212-234.
  • Vargas, C., Mann, P., and Borrero, C., 2011, Field guides for excursions to the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano and to the Romeral Fault System (Colombia) in the frame of the Neotectonics of arc-continent collision concepts, Earth Sciences Research Journal, v. 14, no. 1.
  • Yang, W., and Escalona, A., 2011, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Guyana Basin, AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, p. 1339-1369.
  • Yang, W., and Escalona, A., 2011, Basin modeling and source rock evaluation in the Guyana basin, First Break, v. 29, p. 59-69.

2010 student thesis studies (1)

  • Punnette, S., 2010, Structural framework and its influence on the Quaternary-age sequence architecture of the northern shelf of Trinidad and Tobago: unpublished MS thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 187 p.

2010 presentations (19)

  • Alvarez, T., and Mann, P., 2010, Tectonic habitat of hydrocarbons in the deep- and ultra-deepwater frontier areas of Trinidad and Tobago, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Alvarez, T., Vargas, C., Mann, P., and Latchman, J., 2010, Subduction-to-strike-slip transition in the southeastern Caribbean imaged using deeply-penetrating seismic reflection lines and tomography, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Bernal, R., Mann, P., Escalona, A., Hernandez, R., and Ramirez, V., 2010, Characterizing the structural style and age of the Romeral fault zone in the subsurface of the Lower Magdalena basin, Colombia, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Bingham, L., Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2010, Creaming Curves and Discovery Trends of 5 Basins from the Gulf of Mexico to Northern South America, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Bingham, L., A. Escalona, and P. Mann, 2010, Creating a Unified Geologic Database: Methods and Techniques, EAGE Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Campos, H., and Mann, P., 2010, Tectonic influence of the Cordillera Oriental thrust salient on the shortening and subsidence history of the Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Crone, A.J., Prentice, C.S., Mann, P., Gold, R.D., Hudnut, K.W., Jean, P., and Briggs, R.W., 2010, Evidence of Late Holocene surface rupturing on the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone and the earthquake hazard in Haiti, GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
  • Emmet, P., and Mann, P., 2010, Early Cenozoic rift inversion: key to understanding the structural framework and petroleum potential of the Nicaraguan Rise, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Escalona, A., Fjeldskaar, W., and Mann, P., 2010, Basin modeling along emergent island arcs and oblique convergent margins - Impact on petroleum systems - Southeastern Caribbean case, EAGE Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Mann, P., and Bachhuber, B., 2010, Width of late Quaternary deformation of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden strike-slip fault zone in Haiti and the Jamaica Passage and implications for accumulated stress, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Mann, P., Yang, W., and Escalona, A., 2010, Far-field deformation effects of the oblique Caribbean plate collision on the passive margin of the northeastern South America in the Guyana Basin, AGU Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil.
  • Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Yang, W., 2010, Regional setting and hydrocarbon trendology of a reported 7-8 TCF giant gas discovery, eastern Gulf of Venezuela, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Mann, P., Prentice, C., Hayes, G., Briggs, R., Taylor, F., Crone, A., Gold, R., Hudnut, K., Koehler, R., and Jean, P., 2010, The 2010 Haiti earthquake: Lessons for seismic hazard and societal impacts in the Caribbean, AGU Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil.
  • Punnette, S., Wood, L., and Mann, P., 2010, Tectonic and eustatic controls on the origin of shelf sands and associated facies, offshore NCMA area of Trinidad and Tobago, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Rodriguez, A., Mann, P., and Galloway, W., 2010, Effects of Laramide foreland basin tectonics on structure, subsidence, and hydrocarbons of the Mexican sector of the Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Vargas, C.A., Tomographic constraints on subducted slabs beneath Colombia: Implications for tectonics and petroleum exploration, Colombian Geoscientist Network meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Vargas, C.A., Mann, P., Gomez, C., Briceño, L.A., and Rey, 2010, Trans-Andean mega-regional seismic reflection line extending from the Caribbean coast to Cordillera Oriental of Colombia: implications for hydrocarbon exploration, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Whitehill, C., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2010, Tectono-stratigraphic framework of the western Maracaibo block, Colombia-Venezuela: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Yang, W., Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2010, Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the continental shelf of Guyana and Suriname, AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.

2010 publications (7)

  • Hayes, G., Briggs, R., Sladen, A., Fielding, E., Prentice, C., Hudnut, K., Mann, P., Taylor, F., Crone, A., Gold, R., Ito, T., and Simons, M., 2010, Complex rupture during the 12 January, 2010, Haiti earthquake, Nature Geosciences, v. 3, p. 800-805.
  • Hayman, N., Grindlay, N., Perfit, M., Mann, P., Leroy, S., and Mercier de Lepinay, 2010, Oceanic core complex development as the ultraslow-spreading Mid-Cayman spreading center, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Q0AG02, 2011.
  • Hornbach, M., Mann, P., Taylor, F., and Bowen, S., 2010, Estimating the age of near-shore carbonate slides using coral reefs and erosional markers: A case study from Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, Sedimentary Record, v. 8, p. 4-10.
  • Hornbach, M., Braudy, J., Briggs, R., Cormier, M., Davis, M., Diebold, J., Dieudonne, N., Douilly, R., Frohlich, C., Gulick, S., Johnson, H., Mann, P., McHugh, M., Ryan-Mishkin, K., Prentice, C., Seeber, L., Sorlien, C., Steckler, M., Symithe, S., Taylor, F., and Templeton, J., 2010, High tsunami frequency as a result of combined strike-slip faulting and coastal landslides, Nature Geosciences, v. 3, p. 783-788.
  • Mondziel, S.A., Grindlay, N., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Abrams, L., 2010, Morphology, structure, and tectonic evolution of the Mona canyon (northern Mona passage) from multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar, and seismic reflection profiles, Tectonics, v. 29, p. 1-23.
  • Prentice, C., Mann, P., Crone, A., Gold, R., Hudnut, K., Briggs, R., Koehler, R., and Jean, P., 2010, Seismic hazard of the Enriquillo-Plaintain Garden fault zone inferred from paleoseismology, Nature Geosciences, v. 3, p. 789-793.
  • Xie, X., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2010, Regional provenance study of Eocene clastic sedimentary rocks within the South America-Caribbean plate boundary zone using detrital zircon geochronology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 291, p. 159-171.

2009 student thesis studies (2)

  • Autret, E., 2009, Regional Geological Interpretation of Offshore Guyana Based on Subsurface Data, unpublished MS thesis, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, 57 p. (supervised by A. Escalona at the University of Stavanger, Norway).
  • Taboada, G., 2009, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the northeastern Maturin foreland basin, Venezuela, unpublished MS thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 113 p.

2009 presentations (18)

  • Alvarez, T., Wood, L.J., and Mann, P., 2009, Three-dimensional relationships between synchronous normal faulting, folding and sedimentation in the Columbus channel, offshore southern Trinidad, AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.
  • Bingham, L., Escalona, A., Norton, I., and Mann, P., 2009, GIS-Based Hydrocarbon Resource Map of the Mexican Sector of the Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.
  • Calais, E., and Mann, P., 2009, A combined GPS velocity field for the Caribbean Plate and its margins, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Emmet, P., and Mann, P., 2009, Hydrocarbon Potential of the Nicaraguan Rise Based on Reevaluation of vintage Seismic and Well Data from the 1970s, AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.
  • Escalona, A., Mann, P., and Bingham, L., 2009, Hydrocarbon exploration plays in the greater Caribbean region and neighboring provinces, EAGE Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Grindlay, N., Hayman, N., Mann, P., Perfit, M., Leroy, S., and Mercier de Lépinay, B., 2009, Mechanism for Crustal Thinning Along the Ultraslow Spreading Mid-Cayman Spreading Center, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Jiang, X., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2009, Tectonostratigraphic and Hydrocarbon Framework of the Colombian Offshore Margin from the Magdalena Delta to Panama, AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.
  • Koehler, R.D., Mann, P., and Brown, L.A., 2009, Tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology of strike-slip faults in Jamaica: Implications for distribution of strain and seismic hazard along the southern edge of the Gonave microplate, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2009, Paired strike-slip bend model applied to the Svalbard-southern Barents Sea continental margin, Winter Geology Conference, Bergen, Norway.
  • Mann, P., Vence, E., Contreras, D., and Escalona, A., 2009, Subsurface structure of a 400-km-long segment of the Oca-Ancon right-lateral strike-slip fault from the offshore margin of Colombia to the Falcon basin of Venezuela, X Simposio Boliariano, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Mann, P., Escalona, A., Bingham, L., and Horn, M., 2009, Tectonostratigraphic and structural setting of giant oil and gas clusters in northern South America, X Simposio Boliariano, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Norton, I., Escalona, A., Mann, P., and Lawver, L., 2009, Mesozoic Caribbean plate reconstructions based on a revised fit of Precambrian and Paleozoic terranes in northwestern South America and Central America, AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.
  • Punnette, S., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2009, Tectonic and Stratigraphic Setting of Gas Fields of the North Coast Marine Area, Offshore Northern Trinidad and Tobago Basin, AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.
  • Taboada, G., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2009, Tectonic controls for the main subsidence phases of the northeastern Maturin Sub-Basin, Venezuela, X Simposio Boliariano, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Taboada, G., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2009, Tectonic Controls for Three Main Subsidence Phases of the Eastern Venezuelan Foreland Basin in the Region of the Orinoco Delta, AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.
  • Vargas, C., 2009, Potential de hidrocarburos en Colombia, Colombian Petroleum Show, Bogota, Colombia.
  • Vargas, C., Gomez, C., Briceño, L., and Rey, C., 2009, Morphologic expression of accretion processes along the Pacific margin of Colombia inferred from high-resolution bathymetric data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Xie, X., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2009, Impact of Tectonic Setting and Diagenetic History on the Reservoir Potential of Eocene to Miocene On- and Offshore, Deepwater Sandstones, Northern South America, AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.

2009 publications (2)

  • Funk, J., Mann, P., McIntosh, K., and Stephens, J., 2009, Cenozoic tectonics of the Nicaraguan depression, Nicaragua, and Median trough, El Salvador, based on seismic reflection profiling and remoting sensing data: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 121, p. 1491-1521.
  • Wallace, L., Ellis, S., and Mann, P., 2009, A collisional model for rapid, forearc block rotations, arc curvature, and episodic back-arc rifting in subduction settings: Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems, 10, Q05001

2008 student thesis studies (2)

  • Contreras, D., 2008, Defining the northeastern boundary of the supergiant Maracaibo foreland basin, Venezuela: Master of Science thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 184 p.
  • Vence, E., 2008, Subsurface structure, stratigraphy, and regional tectonic controls of the Guajira margin of northern Colombia: Master of Science thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 128 p.

2008 presentations (13)

  • Benford, B., Mann, P., Prentice, C., King, W., DeMets, C., Grandison, M., Tikoff, B., 2008, Late Quaternary activity and seismogenic potential of the Gonave microplate: South Coast fault zone of southern Jamaica, AGU Annual Conference, San Francisco, California.
  • Contreras, D., Mann, P. Escalona, A., and Nunez, M., 2008, Structural and stratigraphic correlations across the Burro Negro fault zone, northeastern margin of the Maracaibo supergiant basin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Duerto, L., and Escalona, A., 2008, Blind thrust, triangular zone development and sedimentation effect along the flanks of the Merida Andes, Venezuela, International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway.
  • Escalona, A., Mann, P., and Bingham, L., 2008, Hydrocarbon exploration plays in the great Caribbean region and neighboring provinces, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2008, Multiphase kinematic model along obliquely convergent margins: South American-Caribbean plate boundary, International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway.
  • Jiang, X., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Filina, I., 2008, Structure and stratigraphy of the Tobago-Barbados Ridge and its implications for hydrocarbons in the Barbados offshore area, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Mann, P., 2008, Overview of hydrocarbon occurrence and exploration in the Northern Caribbean, 18th Caribbean Geological Conference, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  • Mann, P., and Calais, E., 2008, Impact of GPS studies on the understanding of Caribbean neotectonics (1989-2008), 18th Caribbean Geological Conference, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  • Mann, P., Prentice, C., King, W., DeMets, C., Wiggins-Grandison, M., and Benford, B., 2008, Late Quaternary Activity and Seismogenic Potential of the Gonave Microplate: Plantain Garden Strike-slip Fault Zone of Eastern Jamaica, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Vence, E., Mann, P., and Escalona, A.,2008, Tectonic controls on Middle Eocene to recent stratigraphic sequences along the Guajira margin of northern Colombia, American Association of Petroleum Geologists annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Wulf, S., Boon, R., Hornbach, M., Mann, P., and King, W., 2008, Distinguishing paleo-tsunami and storm deposits in distal lagoon and bay sediments in Curacao (Netherlands Antilles), AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
  • Xie, X., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2008, Provenance and reservoir potential study: Paleogene offshore deep-water sandstone, northern South America, American Association of Petroleum Geologists annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Xie, X., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2008, Paleogeography, Paleodrainage Systems, and Tectonic Reconstructions of Eocene Northern South America Constrained by U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology, AGU Annual Conference, San Francisco, California.

2008 publications (3)

  • Christeson, G.L., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Aitken, T.J., 2008, Crustal structure of the Caribbean-northeastern South America arc-continent collision zone: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 113, p. 1-19.
  • Hornbach, M., Mondziel, S., Grindlay, N., Frohlich, C., and Mann, P., 2008, Did a submarine slide trigger the 1918 Puerto Rico tsunami?, Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 27, p. 22-31.
  • Wallace, L., Ellis, S., and Mann, P., 2008, Tectonic block rotation, arc curvature, and back-arc rifting: Insights into these processes in the Mediterranean and in the western Pacific, in E. Catlos, editor, Donald D. Harrington Symposium on the Geology of the Aegean, IOP Conference Series, Earth and Environmental Science, v. 2.

2007 student thesis studies (3)

  • Funk, J. 2007, Cenozoic Tectonics of the Nicaraguan Depression, Nicaragua, and Median Trough, El Salvador based on seismic reflection profiling and remote sensing data. Master of Science, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 188 p.
  • Kroehler, M., 2007, Tectonics and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Venezuelan Basin, Caribbean Sea: Master of Science thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 108 p.
  • Soto, M. D. 2007, Structural and basinal architecture and active strike-slip faulting of the eastern offshore area of Trinidad. Master of Science thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 109 p.

2007 presentations (15)

  • Bingham, L., Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2007, Building an Integrated, Digital Database Using HTML and GIS Tools: A Case Study for the Northern South American Petroleum Province, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Long Beach, California.
  • Bingham, L., Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2007, Building an integrated, digital database using HTML and GIS tools: A case study for the northern South American petroleum province, Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Bingham, L., King, W.P., and Mann, P., 2007, GIS-Based Active Fault Map of the Caribbean Plate Margins, Geological Society of America annual meeting, Denver, Colorado.
  • Contreras, D., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Nunez, M. 2007, Structure, Stratigraphy and Gas Potential of the Northwestern Eocene Maracaibo foreland basin, Western Venezuela. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Long Beach, California.
  • El-Mowafy, H., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2007, Hydrocarbon Potential of the Aruba and Western Curacao Basins, Offshore Venezuela, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Long Beach, California.
  • Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2007, Overview of the subsurface geology of on and offshore northern South America - Implications for hydrocarbon exploration, Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Escalona, A., Mann, P., and Lavier, L., 2007, Kinematic Model Linking Basin Subsidence and Fault Evolution Along the Obliquely Convergent South America-Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Long Beach, California.
  • Hanzlik-Valentin, M., Mann, P., Escalona, A., Grindlay, N.R. and Abrams, L., 2007, Reconstructing Paleogeography and Sea-level History of Western Puerto Rico Using High-resolution 2D Seismic Profiles, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Long Beach, California.
  • King, W.P., Bingham, L., Mann, P., DeMets, C., and Wiggins-Grandison, M.D., 2007, Possible existence of an unidentified, seismogenic fault zone along the southern coast of Jamaica: A compilation of earthquake and remote sensing data, Geological Society of America annual meeting, Denver, Colorado.
  • Mann, P., Garciacaro, E., Soto, M.D., and Escalona, A., 2007, 3D anatomy of the Columbus foreland basin, eastern offshore Trinidad, Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Mann, P., Horn, M., and Cross, I., 2007, Emerging Trends from 69 Giant Oil and Gas Fields Discovered from 2000-2006, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Long Beach, California.
  • Mondziel, S.A., Grindlay, N., Mann, P., and Hornbach, M., 2007, Tsunami Potential Offshore NW Puerto Rico I: Mapping Active Faults and Mass Wasting Features in the Mona Canyon, Geological Society of America annual meeting, Denver, Colorado.
  • Nordfjord, S., Escalona, A., Mann, P., and Galloway, W., 2007, Linking Tectonic and Sedimentary Events in the Northern Caribbean and Southern Gulf of Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Long Beach, California.
  • Vence, E., Escalona, A., Mann, P., and El-Mowafy, H., 2007, Along-Strike Continuity of Caribbean Tectonic Terranes and Their Controls on Source and Reservoir Rocks, Offshore Colombia and Venezuela, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Long Beach, California.
  • Wulf, S., Dull, R.A., Mann, P., McIntosh, K.D., and Gardner, J.E., 2007, Late Pleistocene/Holocene paleoclimate reconstruction and eruptive history of Central American volcanoes from bottom sediments of Lake Nicaragua. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.

2007 publications (9)

  • Gorney, D., Escalona, A., Mann, P., Magnani, M.B., and BOLIVAR study group, 2007, Chronology of Cenozoic tectonic events in western Venezuela and the Leeward Antilles based on integration of offshore seismic reflection data and on-land geology, AAPG Bulletin, v. 91, p. 653-684.
  • Mann, P., 2007, Global catalogue, classification, and tectonic origins of restraining and releasing bends on active and ancient strike-slip fault systems, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 290, p. 13-142.
  • Mann, P., 2007, Overview of the tectonic history of northern Central America, in Mann, P. (editor), Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 1-20.
  • Mann, P., DeMets, C., and Wiggins-Grandison, M., 2007, Toward a better understanding of the late Neogene strike-slip restraining bend in Jamaica: Geodetic, geologic, and seismic constraints, in Cunningham, D., and Mann, P., eds., Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining Bends, Geological Society of London Special Publication, p. 239-253.
  • Rogers, R., and Mann, P., 2007, Transtensional deformation of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary zone, in Mann, P. (editor), Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America, Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 37-64.
  • Rogers, R., Mann, P., and Emmet, P., 2007, Tectonic terranes of the Chortis block based on integration of regional aeromagnetic and geologic data, in Mann, P. (editor), Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 65-88.
  • Rogers, R., Mann, P., and Scott, R., 2007, Cretaceous intra-arc rifting, sedimentation, and basin inversion in east-central Honduras, in Mann, P. (editor), Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 89-128.
  • Rogers, R., Mann, P., Emmet, P., and Venable, M., 2007, Colon fold belt of Honduras: Evidence for late Cretaceous collision between the continental Chortis block and intra-oceanic Caribbean arc, in Mann, P., editor, Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 129-150.
  • Soto, M.D., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Wood, L., 2007, Late Holocene strike-slip offset of a subsurface channel interpreted from three-dimensional seismic data, eastern offshore Trinidad, Geology, v. 35, p. 859-862.

2006 student thesis studies (2)

  • Garciacaro, E.J., 2006, Stratigraphic architecture and basin fill evolution of a plate margin basin, eastern offshore Trinidad and Venezuela, Master of Science thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 150 p.
  • Hanzlik-Valentin, M., 2006, Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and structure of the western insular shelf margin of Puerto Rico, Master of Science thesis, University of Texas, Austin, 94 p.

2006 presentations (10)

  • Castellanos, H.A., Escalona, A., Rodriguez, L., and Mann, P., 2006, Tectonic and stratigraphic controls on the Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Eastern Venezuela Foreland Basin, AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Escalona, A., 2006, Multiphase Tectonic Evolution of Northwestern Venezuela and its Offshore Area: Implications for the Distribution of Source and Reservoir Rocks, AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Escalona, A. and Mann, P., 2006, Oil and gas prospects in the Venezuelan offshore area identified using a regional grid of 2D seismic lines, AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Garciacaro, E., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Wood, L. 2006, Regional Structure, Tectonic History, and Petroleum Systems of the Obliquely Colliding Columbus Foreland Basin, AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas.
  • Magnani, M.B., Mann, P., Zelt, C., Levander, A., and Ave Lallemant, H., 2006, Exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks along the coast of Venezuela: insights from BOLIVAR seismic reflection and refraction data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Mann, P., Christeson, G., Escalona, A., Levander, A., Zelt, C., Magnani, B., Sawyer, D. and Schmitz, M., 2006, Plumbing the Depths of the Caribbean-South American Arc-Continent Collisional Zone Using Long Seismic Reflection and Refraction Transects, AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Mann, P., Hippolyte, J. and Weber, J., 2006, Neogene Tectonic Phases of Central and Southern Trinidad Based on Brittle Tectonic Analysis of Faults Exposed in Coastal Cliffs and Rock Quarries, AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Mann, P., Horn, M. and Cross, I. 2006. Tectonic Setting of 31 Giant Oil and Gas Fields Discovered from 2000-2005: Implications for Future Discovery Trends. AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas.
  • Mondziel, S.A., Grindlay, N., Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2006, Multi-Channel Seismic Images of Neogene Rifting in the Northern Mona Passage Between Puerto Rico and Hispaniola, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Soto, M. D., Mann, P. and Wood, L., 2006, Structural and Stratigraphic Evidence for the Offshore Extension of the Central Range Fault Zone of Trinidad, AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.

2006 publications (14)

  • Castillo, M.V., and Mann, P., 2006, Cretaceous to Holocene structural and stratigraphic development in south Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, inferred from well and three-dimensional seismic data, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 529-565.
  • Castillo, M.V., and Mann, P., 2006, Deeply buried, Early Cretaceous paleokarst terrane, southern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 567-579.
  • Duerto, L., Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2006, Deep structure of the Merida Andes and Sierra de Perija mountain fronts, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 505-528.
  • Escalona, A., 2006, Petrophysical and seismic properties of lower Eocene clastic rocks in the central Maracaibo Basin, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 679-696.
  • Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2006, An overview of the petroleum system of Maracaibo Basin, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 657-678.
  • Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2006, Sequence-stratigraphic analysis of Eocene clastic foreland basin deposits in central Lake Maracaibo using high-resolution well correlation and 3-D seismic data, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 581-623.
  • Escalona, A., and Mann, P., 2006, Tectonic Controls of the Right-Lateral Burro Negro Tear Fault on Paleogene Structure and Stratigraphy, Northeastern Maracaibo Basin, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 479-504.
  • Levander, A., Schmitz, M., Ave Lallmant, H., Zelt, C., Sawyer, D., Magnani, M., Mann, P., Christeson, G., Wright, J., Pavlis, G., and Pindell, J., 2006, Evolution of the southern Caribbean plate boundary, EOS, v. 87, no. 9, 28 February, 2006, p. 97-100.
  • Mann, P., 2006, The risk of tsunamis in the northern Caribbean, Phi Kappa Phi Forum, v. 86, no. 1, p. 21-25.
  • Mann, P., and Escalona, A., 2006, Introduction to the Maracaibo Basin theme issue, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 443-444.
  • Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Castillo, M.V., 2006, Regional geologic and tectonic setting of the Maracaibo supergiant basin, western Venezuela, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 445-478.
  • Mann, P., Peterson, L., and Droxler, A.W., 2006, Tectonics, Circulation and Climate in the Caribbean Gateway, JOI News, v. 8.
  • Mann, P., Rogers, R., and Gahagan, L., 2006, Overview of Plate Tectonic History and its Unresolved Tectonic Problems, in Bundschuh, J. and Alvarado, G.E., eds., Central America: Geology, Resources and Hazards, Taylor and Francis/Balkema, v. 1, p. 201-237.
  • Moscardelli, L., Wood, L.J., and Mann, P., 2006, Mass-transport complexes and associated processes in the offshore area of Trinidad and Venezuela, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 1059-1088.

2005 student thesis studies (2)

  • Aitken, T., 2005, Processing and interpretation of MSC data from Venezuelan-Trinidad Margin, MS thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 100 p.
  • Gorney, D., 2005, Chronology of Cenozoic Tectonic Events in Western Venezuela and the Dutch Antilles Islands Based on Integration of Offshore Seismic Reflection Data and Onland Geology, MS thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 90 p.

2005 presentations (5)

  • Ave Lallemant, H., Levander, A., Zelt, C.A., Moonan, M.B., Parra, G., and Clark, S.A., 2005. Anomalous high seismic velocity zones along major strike-slip faults in the collision belt of coastal Venezuela: Results of the BOLIVAR Project, AGU Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California.
  • Christeson, G.L., Aitken, T.J., Mann, P. and Escalona, A., 2005, BOLIVAR Project: A New Model for Grenada and Tobago Basin Evolution, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Escalona, A. and Mann, P., 2005. Regional offshore mapping of structures and depocenters of Venezuela and Trinidad: Implications for deepwater exploration in the Caribbean, AAPG Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta.
  • Garciacaro, E., Mann, P., Escalona, A. and Wood, L. 2005. Anatomy of an Actively Evolving Foreland Basin Inferred from BOLIVAR Project 2D Lines and Merged 3D Seismic Volumes, Columbus Basin, Eastern Offshore Trinidad, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  • Hanzlik-Valentin, M., Mann, P., Abrams, L. and Grindlay, N., 2005, Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and structure of the western insular shelf margin of Puerto Rico, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.

2005 publications (1)

  • Sullivan, S., Wood, L., and Mann, P., 2005, Distribution, nature, and origin of mobile mud features offshore Trinidad, Gulf Coast Societies-SEPM 24th Bob F.Perkins Research Conference, p. 840-867.

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