Talks and Presentations at the 2019 Fall GeoGulf / GCAGS meeting (October 23-25, 2019), held at the Houston Westchase Mariott, 2900 Briarpark Dr., Houston, Texas 77042
Talks on 10/24/19 in Ballroom FGS:
- 9:25 am - Paul Mann, Jack Kenning, and Mei Liu - Restoring the Conjugate Margins of the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Pre-, Syn-, and Post-Rift Exploration Fairways
- 2:25 pm - Jack Kenning and Paul Mann - Structural and Stratigraphic Controls on Mesozoic, Source Rock Maturity and Hydrocarbon, Play Prospectively of the Deepwater Yucatan and Campeche margins, Southern Gulf of Mexico
- 4:10 pm - Paul Mann, Javier Sanchez, Luis Carlos Carvajal, Lucia Torrado, and Bryan Ott - Cretaceous to Recent Tectonic History and Controls on Hydrocarbons in the Western Caribbean Sea
Talks on 10/25/19 in Briarpark Room:
- 10:20 am - Sharon Cornelius - Relationship Between Geothermal and Geopressure Gradients in
The Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Garden Banks, Green Canyon, Keathley Canyon, and Walker Ridge (Sharon is also Session Chair of this event)
Posters on 10/23 (4 pm) to 10/24 (noon) in Westchase Mariott Exhibit Hall:
- Malik Muhammad Alam - Structural Comparison Of 27 Passive Margin Fold-Belts from The Margins of The Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic And Africa
- Marie Kouassi - Velocity Model Building to Improve Subsalt Imaging of 2D Seismic Data in the Green Canyon and Walker Ridge Areas
- Mei Liu - Crustal Architecture of the Late Jurassic, Short Ridge-Long-Fracture-Zone Spreading Center and Its Flanking Oceanic Crust in the Western Gulf of Mexico
- Sean Romito - Cataloguing Seven Offshore, Basement Terranes of The Caribbean Sea and Their Linkage History from Integration of Geophysical Datasets, Well Logs, And Dredged Seafloor Samples
- Emily Stibbe - Correlation of Active Faults and Ancient Terrane Boundaries Within and Around the Caribbean Plate
- Lei Sun - Tectonic Geomorphology Reveals Areas of Active Transpression on the Island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic)
- Geraldine Tijerina - Correlation of exhumation peaks from onshore, low-temperature, thermochronological ages in northwest Africa and eastern North America with pulses of rapid, oceanic spreading in the Central Atlantic Ocean
- Hualing Zhang - Integration of Subsidence Analysis and Gravity Modeling in the Permian Basin, West Texas